Example sentences of "were [adj] for the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In a recent article in Current Anthropology , one palaeontologist went even further and stated that the molecular anthropologists were right for the wrong reasons , while the palaeontologists were wrong for the right reasons .
2 But most Roman varieties were unsuitable for the British climate and the Norman varieties rapidly took precedence .
3 The fine weather made the push even harder work , and participants and spectators alike were grateful for the cooling drinks available from stalls manned by Fowey branch members .
4 Both those statements were momentous for the Royal Family but the historical impact of Charles and Diana 's separation is likely to be greater .
5 In a recent article in Current Anthropology , one palaeontologist went even further and stated that the molecular anthropologists were right for the wrong reasons , while the palaeontologists were wrong for the right reasons .
6 Naturally , no one could move into any of the new flats until the presidential apartments in the palace were fit for the top comrades , so the Boulevard of the Victory of Socialism took on a ghostly lifeless quality with its empty layer of flats and its vacant shops on the ground floor .
7 A recent survey conducted by the accountancy firm Arthur Anderson showed that four out of 10 companies in the Community were unprepared for the new VAT regime .
8 Looking back , there 's no doubt that we were too impatient and were unprepared for the major impact of the change from institution to community care on all concerned .
9 In Champagne itself , in exceptionally hot vintages like 1947 , 1959 and 1976 , the sugar-acid ratios were inappropriate for the fine balance of Champagne .
10 About 30 close friends and family were present for the 40-minute service at Putney Vale Crematorium , south-west London .
11 We were married for the formative period .
12 The colours she chose were black for the main colour and a dark multi-coloured yarn for the second colour .
13 By the late nineteenth century , peasant farmers were responsible for the great bulk of farm produce , whether on allotment land belonging to the commune or on private land bought or rented from the nobility .
14 This phenomenon has been reproduced in a rat model of ethanol feeding and subsequent lipid analyses indicated that accumulated cholesteryl esters were responsible for the morphologic changes observed .
15 Genetic changes in both host and parasite were responsible for the evolved differences in virulence .
16 Local studies have established a direct connection between rising prices and annual illegitimacy ratios , suggesting that frustrated wedding plans rather than promiscuity were responsible for the increased number of bastards .
17 Some of the earliest English churches , minsters containing communities of secular ( i.e. non-monastic ) priests , were responsible for the spiritual welfare of a sizeable surrounding area , perhaps sometimes as large as fifteen modern parishes .
18 At grouping in 1923 , the smaller railway companies , who in many cases were responsible for the rural railway feeders , were bought out , and often their lines were closed and lifted .
19 This evidence suggests that social rather than biological mechanisms were responsible for the traditional status of blacks in the USA .
20 At the coal face , the butties were responsible for the actual mining processes , overseen by colliery company officials ; the butties were in charge of organizing and paying for the winning of coal , though not in all cases for its transport to the pithead .
21 They were responsible for the complete show , which was why stories of stars giving notes to other actors or ordering changes in sets and costumes were not just examples of megalomania , but the desire to maintain the overall standard of whatever production they put their names to .
22 Districts were created that were responsible for the basic unit structure of seven members .
23 There was erm , a great reduction in corporate activity but corporate finance kept very busy er , with their value services and money raising and er , we were responsible for the National Power flotation and the disposal of Gratton .
24 Host organisations of the service ( LEAs , Chambers of Commerce , Local Employer Organisations ) were the recipients of grants based on £5 per teacher for the area and were responsible for the local delivery of the service .
25 The exception is Royal Berkshire , who were responsible for the dramatic removal of last season 's champions David Lloyd Slazenger Heston in the regional rounds .
26 that can be used for actually doing , doing the recycling on each of those , and and I would like to say that that this , this report had been erm prepared jointly by officers of the Transportation Department who were responsible for the operational side and wi and the officers and regulation side of , of the Authority Planning Environment Department and therefore the comments in the air have been shared between erm both sides er what I would like to say is that as well as the recycling activities which are carried out in our household waste facilities of glass , paper , waste - oil , etc. , er there are we have in the last twelve months started two initiatives which I think will fall in into erm the , the first part - composting .
27 This was a fluctuating group of four or five individuals who were responsible for the literary output of the organization .
28 In 1972 it was realised that this property depended on a separate histamine receptor ( H2 ) which was different from histamine ( H1 ) receptors in the lung and elsewhere , which were responsible for the allergic action of histamine .
29 A small group of wealthy men were responsible for the day-to-day management of community affairs , and owned a disproportionate share of the property — some 40 per cent being owned by only 5 per cent of the inhabitants .
30 The ‘ Masters ’ , said Dr Lawrence , were responsible for the miraculous birth and resurrection of Jesus !
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