Example sentences of "were [adv] [vb pp] to [be] [art] " in BNC.

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1 His unpublished logarithmical tables were widely held to be a great advance on those of Henry Briggs [ q.v . ] .
2 Consider what were generally believed to be the policy implications of the NAIRU hypothesis .
3 A bad press highlighted what were generally agreed to be a politician 's weak points ; a good press encouraged people to give politicians even higher ratings on their generally acknowledged strengths .
4 The Admiralty stood its ground on the principle of always maintaining a balanced fleet , based on a limited number of capital ships , which , in 1957 , were generally agreed to be the aircraft-carriers .
5 The two women closest in the world to Charles were already known to be the Queen and Camilla , whom Charles had readily confirmed was a trusted friend .
6 Kapil Dev has , naturally enough , had to do much of his bowling in India , a country whose pitches were always reckoned to be a graveyard for fast bowlers .
7 In Attorney General v Squire , it was held that obnoxious odours from pigs kept by the defendants , and arising from the number of animals , the place in which they were kept , and the food with which they were fed , were such as to create a public nuisance , and in Attorney General v Cole and Son noxious gases created by the defendant carrying on the trade of fat-melter were also held to be a public nuisance despite the fact that the defendant had carried on his trade , in a proper manner and in the same way for 30 years .
8 So when the Indians used the phrase ‘ passive resistance ’ in South Africa they were immediately considered to be a threat to person and property in the same way as the suffragettes were a threat .
9 What Gordon found was that the passages rewritten by the class containing the most poor readers were the ones which were subsequently found to be the most comprehensible .
10 De Vries ' ‘ mutations ’ were subsequently shown to be the result of hybridization , not the production of new genetic characters .
11 They can be rough , ragged , they can have fights onstage , but they were never meant to be a workaday band .
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