Example sentences of "were [adv] [vb pp] [adv prt] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Bachelors were rather frowned on in the FCO .
2 William Beveridge , the author of the famous report on National Insurance , was himself a Liberal , not a Socialist , and his ideas were widely taken up in the Tory Party .
3 Martha 's school dress and books , her one skirt , two blouses and handful of frayed underwear were swiftly parcelled up in the coarse paper Nana used in the shop .
4 There were times when we were only allowed out in the streets of Nicosia in groups of four .
5 In spite of the growing success , there was still never any spare cash as profits were endlessly ploughed back in the unremitting quest for newer , more powerful machinery .
6 Voices were suddenly raised over in the crowd and people began scattering to the edges of the area , clearing the centre and falling silent .
7 I have the feeling that if oil supplies were somehow caught up in the Yugoslavian position , an armed intervention force would already be in that country .
8 The basic aims were already set out in the original Treaty of Rome ( 1957 ) establishing the European Economic Community .
9 He was hungry and conscious of the delicious greasy bundle in his bag , but he believed fish and chips were usually heated up in the oven anyway , so they would n't spoil .
10 we were always brought up in the country , you know
11 The horrors of Belsen concentration camp , meanwhile , were eloquently summed up in the painting of Doris Zinkeisen .
12 The horrors of Belsen concentration camp , meanwhile , were eloquently summed up in the painting of Doris Zinkeisen .
13 For long periods in the past , however , towns and cities did not exist , and yet many , if not most , of the functions which major urban centres fulfil today were still carried out in the landscape .
14 As an instance , carriage doors which were formerly framed up in the body shop and then transferred to the finishing shop for the fixing of the interior lining , afterwards being sent to the polishing shop to be french polished and finally returned to the body shop for fixing in position , were now dealt with by an altogether different method .
15 They were thoroughly caught up in the contest .
16 A number of people from the North-East were also caught up in the riots .
17 Infections were also carried out in the presence of 100 µg/ml cycloheximide or 40 µg/ml cytosine arabinoside for 7 hr .
18 The bronzes were later set up in the Porticus Metelli , the first secular building in Rome specifically intended for the display of booty .
19 The original monastery physic gardens were fairly plain , with rectangular or square beds in lines , but as time went on , and private households began to grow their own medicinal cures , food flavourings and fragrances , the sites devoted to herbs became more elaborate , until they were often laid out in the " knot " style , an intricate arrangement of beds said to have taken its name originally from the lover 's knot .
20 Moreover , the struggles between the two parties were often fought out in the local arena , at the annual elections of town magistrates , sheriffs and parish officials .
21 The biggest category by far in this year 's list is the one for which the awards were originally created back in the 1960s , the Export Awards .
22 These three principles were originally spelt out in the working document with which this initiative was launched ( reproduced in Cmnd. 8616 as appendix 3 ) Each department was required to develop and define a plan which on completion was to be sent to the Treasury and the Management and Personnel Office ( MPO ) .
23 At least people knew where they stood with him , and the darkened corridors of local government , with their forbidding and ever-present whiff of graft and back-scratching , were now lit up in a blaze of publicity .
24 They were frequently left out in the cold and were fobbed off with symbolic concessions — such as a tatty play space instead of a decent nursery .
25 The Welsh Cup holders Swansea were surprisingly knocked out in the third round of the competition by the Vauxhall Conference side Merthyr Tydfil , who won 3-0 at the Vetch Field last night .
26 The Marine Commandos were well dug in in a wooded area just off the road and close to the village .
27 Open fields without hedges or other divisions were awkwardly split up in a system known as ‘ run-rig ’ between joint small tenants living in a small village or ‘ fermetoun ’ , each annually allocated strips or ‘ rigs ’ of from a quarter to half an acre , with a rough- and ready attempt to balance the better and poorer land between the respective individuals .
28 Many species of bird were virtually wiped out in the early part of the century to supply the demand for decorative feathers .
29 After flying on land , the group were then whisked off in an airborne plane to Robert Carrier 's restaurant in Suffolk for a sumptuous lunch .
30 Anyway , as you know , we were almost brought up in the same bassinet , and , as I made out to Mama just a short while ago , if Isobel had to choose between the horse and me , the horse would come out best . ’
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