Example sentences of "were [adv] [vb pp] [prep] [pron] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Both men were presumably accompanied by their brothers , since Robert Harrington and John Parr were later knighted by Edward at Tewkesbury , and Thomas Parr died at Barnet .
2 Both men were presumably accompanied by their brothers , since Robert Harrington and John Parr were later knighted by Edward at Tewkesbury , and Thomas Parr died at Barnet .
3 In an inflationary age those who had sound customary tenures reaped the benefits of fixed annual rents , but those tenants who were successfully challenged by their lords had to meet demands for considerable increases .
4 However , Palestinians were forced to remain within the occupied territories so that the majority were effectively barred from their jobs in Israel .
5 Pontypool were constantly penalised for their indiscretions , especially in the scrums , and despite the return after 10 weeks of Dean Oswald , their Kiwi No 8 , they were unable to win any worthwhile possession .
6 I respectfully believe that those cases were rightly decided on their facts , but I would not adopt the principle of aggregation on the facts here .
7 The people who displayed the various crafts were warmly thanked for their displays .
8 The people who displayed the various crafts were warmly thanked for their displays .
9 While the war continued I could ( almost ) fool myself into believing that I was like those other women who were merely separated from their men ‘ for the duration ’ — or , if not that , at least I felt that my life was suspended .
10 Nurses say fewer women would need hospital treatment if they were better informed about their bodies .
11 It also seems to have been customary at the death of a scholar for those of his students who were sufficiently advanced in their studies to become .
12 Not that the early wandering people needed any formal system of feng shui , because , as they lived and moved under the direct influence of the earth 's subtle energies , its principles were naturally integrated in their lives .
13 The Edinburgh specialists were so touched by their pleas they invited the family over to Edinburgh to see if they could help the boy .
14 Both were so absorbed in their activities that when the float went down , they did not at first respond .
15 It was a case of asserting the rights of children while making sure they were less influenced by their parents .
16 Newens 's views were perhaps influenced by his contacts with Ceauşescu and he had written or edited at least three books about Ceauşescu : Nicolae Ceauşescu — the Man , His Ideas and the Achievements on the Road to Socialism ( which appeared in at least three editions between 1972 and 1978 to satisfy popular demand ) , Talking with Nicolae Ceauşescu , and Nicolae Ceauşescu — The Effort to Create a Modern Romania .
17 About ten Hurricanes were gathered round the dispersal hut at Takali on the afternoon of 25 May when just before 1400 the sirens went , but the squadron was not ordered off , although the pilots were ready strapped into their cockpits .
18 The stories were generally shaped by his values and his literary genius allowed every social detail to be authentic and appropriate .
19 Suggestions have been made too that WEN and TV 's World In Action were somehow mistaken in their studies or misinterpreted their test results , even though World In Action 's tests were undertaken by RECHEM , researchers who have carried out tests for the industry itself .
20 As they crept slowly forward over the plain his eyes searched for those tiny villages made of mud with their bamboo groves and their ponds ; and though the plain was perfectly flat the villages were somehow hidden in its folds , blending with it .
21 These men did not describe themselves as Zuwayi hurr , but even though their activities were largely circumscribed by their police work , they maintained some activities which were typical of a free Zuwaya .
22 Although it 's naïvété and many internal contradictions and evasions were easily exposed by its critics ( Chivers , 1987 ) , it is arguable that Swann put multiculturalism and at least weak versions of antiracism on the national educational agenda .
23 By now most of the other girls found me extremely odd , but they were easily cowed by my outbursts of sarcasm .
24 Approaches to other institutions were peremptorily rejected by their proprietors .
25 But because the law as an ass , overs were arbitrarily taken from their batsmen and games which should have gone their way were lost .
26 The two partners , so different in character that they were respectively known by their employees as ‘ Oil ’ ( Bridge ) and ‘ Vinegar ’ , worked tirelessly to place the business at the forefront of their trade .
27 Foresterships of fee might be inherited by women : in such cases the duties of the office were usually performed by their guardians , husbands or sons .
28 Bill was seldom able to put together a consistent run of appearances in our 2nd Division seasons 1921–25 but , when he did play , his graft and pluck were always appreciated by our fans and the press of the time because Palace continually struggled in Division Two and the hard-working , tenacious attitude which Bill always showed was a valuable asset against powerful and more skilled opponents .
29 He ruled his staff with a light touch and a delightful sense of humour , thereby setting standards of unity and comradeship which were gratefully inherited by his successors .
30 They were deliberately planned with their streets laid out in orthogonal grid-systems like the great cities of Hellenistic times , such as Alexandria and Antioch .
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