Example sentences of "were [prep] [be] [vb pp] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 During 1992 some 5,500 of the proposed 19,500 state housing units were to be constructed in occupied territories .
2 Saudi Arabia , by far the largest producer in OPEC , resisted pressure to accept a proportionally larger share of any cuts which were to be made in overall OPEC production .
3 Day nursery provision by local authorities was strictly limited in the 1930s and charged for , as a result of the cuts in local spending introduced as part of the National government 's economy drive , but when the Second World War came and women were to be mobilised in large numbers for the war effort , the government gave local authorities a 100-per-cent grant to cover the costs of day nurseries , merely charging parents for the cost of food served to the children .
4 It was the belief of many of its members that if explanations and theories were to be given for the facts collected in their natural histories , they were to be given in mechanical terms , specifically in terms of the corpuscular theory .
5 Although these measures were not especially radical in themselves , the Act against pluralism did infringe ecclesiastical immunity from secular jurisdiction , as offenders were to be prosecuted in royal rather than ecclesiastical courts .
6 These were to be situated in ordinary houses in the main towns — Paignton , Totnes , Torquay and Newton Abbot .
7 The ‘ Articles concerning the Charters ’ ordained that they were to be observed in full , including those regarding disafforestment , and read out in every county court four times a year .
8 Most of Gould 's collecting in Van Diemen 's Land , however , was done within 80 miles of Hobart , on or around the Derwent River and the fertile Macquairie Plains , where kingfishers , water crakes and crow-shrikes , golden plovers and white-fronted herons , bitterns and black-backed porphyrios were to be found in glorious profusion .
9 The book trade — where they were to be found in large numbers — differed from the other kinds of printing in several ways .
10 The beneficiaries of the averaging process were to be found in urban rather than rural areas and in the North rather than the South of the country .
11 As figure 4.3 shows , in 1984 , 41.5 per cent of fulltime women workers were to be found in clerical employment , while a very few further occupational groups account for the rest of most women in paid work .
12 Nonpaying peasants were to be arrested in minimal numbers , and only millers were to be imprisoned .
13 It may overlook the fact that science could become a very rebellious offspring ; and , as an apologetic strategy , it could easily backfire if science ( as some believe it has been ) were to be devalued in public estimation through association with polluting and exploitative technologies .
14 All three were fined a total equivalent to US$25,000 million in compensation damages to the state and were to be held in solitary confinement at the naval base on San Lorenzo , an island off the port of Callao near the capital , Lima , where they had been tried .
15 judges were to be irremovable , trials were to be held in public , juries were to adjudicate serious criminal cases , and elected justices of the peace were to hear minor criminal and civil cases .
16 Those who accepted his commandments were to be judged in punctilious accordance with the law , whereas the ignorant savage in the darkened jungle who could not possibly have known the light would be treated with gentleness and given a second chance .
17 If the two novels were to be recast in late post-Freudian terms it would be clear how completely our attitudes have changed towards amatory and social matters : it is difficult to read the Ruritanian stones now in the way Anthony Hope 's first readers did and not to dismiss them as mere escapist romances .
18 The pact also provided for 300 UN guards , all but a handful of whom were to be stationed in northern Iraq , and an unspecified number of aid workers .
19 Certain protected expenses were to be financed in full from the budget , and submitted to the Supreme Soviet for approval .
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