Example sentences of "were [adv] [vb pp] [prep] all [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Alexander technique would be invaluable if it were properly included in all drama training programmes .
2 The cases were compared with 1800 control infants , who were randomly selected from all births in the study regions , except home births ( less than 1% ) .
3 Altogether 1800 control infants were randomly selected from all births in the study regions .
4 Such schemes were generally directed at all employees , manual , white collar , and managerial , although the percentage of each section attending such courses is unclear .
5 Not all cases , then , limited the jurists to advancing interpretations of trusts parallel to those of legacies , since trusts were not bound by all civil-law constraints .
6 Collection was not always successful and thus samples were not obtained from all subjects at all stages of the trials .
7 For John Simon , it was ‘ so puny a play that if it were not extended in all directions by Dustin Hoffman 's life-giving performance , it would barely be discernible to the naked eye .
8 The church was once more fully involved in the traditional festive culture of the people , for the old ceremonies associated with Christmas , Easter , Whitsun , Shrovetide , and Maytide were quickly resumed in all parts of the country and proved as popular as ever .
9 Six paratroopers accused of running amok in the mainly republican town of Coalisland , Co Tyrone , after an IRA bomb badly injured a colleague were yesterday cleared of all charges .
10 Although an agreement was thought likely to be ready in March , major concessions were still required from all sides and many disagreements remained , particularly over rules of origin .
11 First , press advertisements were traditionally used for all levels of appointments .
12 Considerable variations between institutions were also revealed for all categories of students .
13 Interviews were also held with all members of the Project Coordinating Team , all the Principal Librarians : Children 's and Schools ( PLCS ) — formerly Divisional Children and Schools Librarians — some of their assistants , senior Education Department staff , and participants in inservice events .
14 Saliva samples were also taken from all pupils in each of the three surveys .
15 These posts were internally advertised to all staff in a general notice posted in the common room :
16 Versions of the recently introduced song God Save Great George Our King were now heard on all sides ; a little later the text was finalised and it became the national anthem .
17 Superman is I do n't know erm , well same difference any way , but you see this is it , he 's not , you know , in that story , in that , in , in , in , in that sort of nonsense thing , he is not the same character at both times , he has n't got , when he 's walking along the street as Clarke Kent he has n't got the ability to whoosh through the air as Superman he 's Clarke Kent , not so Jesus , he was n't Jesus divine one moment , Jesus human the other but they were perfectly married at all time from his , from the time he was , he 's conception took place , so he was n't one thing one moment , you know and one thing the next , but there it was a perfect marriage if you like , the two , I was gon na say becoming one so that they were invisible , you could n't say of that 's it that 's the human nature of Jesus , that 's his diviner it ju , because the two were perfectly married , they were fused together so they really they became one .
18 High values of serum pepsinogen C were frequently found in all groups of patients with hyperpepsinogenaemia A. In the group of subjects with raised concentrations of serum pepsinogen A , four blood transfusion donors had a mean ( SD ) serum pepsinogen C concentration of 34 ( 20 ) µg/l , 20 patients with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome of 73 ( 81 ) µg/l , 21 duodenal ulcer patients of 65 ( 34 ) µg/l , 43 patients with chronic renal failure of 69 ( 42 ) µg/l , and 14 patients with reflux oesophagitis on longterm omeprazole treatment of 66 ( 39 ) µg/l .
19 The results for both tasks indicated that deductive markers were frequently omitted by all age groups , including the adults .
20 Indeed the enthusiasts in the administration for the creation of a liberal , multilateral international economic order were increasingly impeded by all sorts of objections from protectionist and tax-conscious Congressmen and business interests .
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