Example sentences of "were [adv] [vb pp] [prep] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Though agreed between the parties , these proposals were bitterly attacked by some Conservatives as destroying the traditional upper House and by a few Labour members as creating a large new area of patronage for the Prime Minister .
2 Finally , certain vulnerable groups were most affected by these changes , notably black families living in inner city deprived areas .
3 The cases were compared with 1800 control infants , who were randomly selected from all births in the study regions , except home births ( less than 1% ) .
4 Altogether 1800 control infants were randomly selected from all births in the study regions .
5 And both McGahern and Dermot Bolger were highly praised from these quarters . ’
6 A change of identity was also mooted in view of the fact that in BR livery the numbers and names were merely painted on these locomotives .
7 You were better fed at some firms or others .
8 Thus I was only too aware that the realities of psychic phenomena were somewhat exaggerated by these treatments .
9 Symptom scores were normally distributed for both sexes around a mean of 2.20 for men and 2.39 for women .
10 Such schemes were generally directed at all employees , manual , white collar , and managerial , although the percentage of each section attending such courses is unclear .
11 Collection was not always successful and thus samples were not obtained from all subjects at all stages of the trials .
12 For John Simon , it was ‘ so puny a play that if it were not extended in all directions by Dustin Hoffman 's life-giving performance , it would barely be discernible to the naked eye .
13 The social democrats generally were not isolated from these changes .
14 NOESY distance constraints were not imposed in these cases since they contribute little towards the determination of the dodecamer conformation once the sugar puckers have been fixed .
15 Investors were not told of these connections before they purchased the shares .
16 Interpretations were not offered by these priests — rather , the dreams themselves were thought to be curative .
17 During the first year of the Civil War the issues of unity and authority were largely resolved in both zones .
18 The church was once more fully involved in the traditional festive culture of the people , for the old ceremonies associated with Christmas , Easter , Whitsun , Shrovetide , and Maytide were quickly resumed in all parts of the country and proved as popular as ever .
19 When tumours were present in the oxyntic mucosa of the biopsy specimens taken at the standard sites , counts were always done outside these areas .
20 Six paratroopers accused of running amok in the mainly republican town of Coalisland , Co Tyrone , after an IRA bomb badly injured a colleague were yesterday cleared of all charges .
21 The early chapters of Genesis were once regarded by some Christians as an embarrassment .
22 The Commission reported that although 9.3 per cent of all seventeen-year-olds ( boys and girls ) were in independent schools of all kinds , boys from boarding Public Schools were statistically overrepresented in many careers : 49.3 per cent among the heads of colleges and professors at Oxford and Cambridge , 42 per cent in the Labour Cabinet of the day and 90.9 per cent in its Conservative predecessor ( things are no different now ) , 75 per cent among Church of England bishops , 79.2 per cent among judges and QCs , and 43 per cent among successful applicants to the Administrative Civil Service ( in the years l963–7 ) .
23 These pressures were intensified by the introduction of yet more restrictive policies : monetary conditions were further tightened in most economies in the spring of 1974 .
24 Medicinal properties , whether real or supposed , were gradually attributed to these substances .
25 In those days , horses were still used on many farms for ploughing and I soon found myself staggering red-faced up a furrow , furiously gripping the wooden handles , astonished at the power of the mighty beasts plodding sombrely ahead .
26 Although an agreement was thought likely to be ready in March , major concessions were still required from all sides and many disagreements remained , particularly over rules of origin .
27 Public Schools and grammar schools provided , or sought to provide , the same curriculum : it was traditional , and innovations ( like science , modern languages , or geography ) were stoutly resisted over many years .
28 In the end we were both arrested for several crimes .
29 First , press advertisements were traditionally used for all levels of appointments .
30 Workers were also questioned about such issues as whether they could design and plan important parts of their work , decide on day-to-day tasks , and decide the amount and pace of their work .
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