Example sentences of "were [adv] [adv] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Apart from the strong suspicion that the revenue officers of Wigtown were rather too closely associated with smuggling , their failure to determine at their first survey the proper quantity of dutiable iron imported by Bailie Hooks suggested a method of changing the composition of the town council when the vital election of a delegate to represent the burgh at the ensuing parliamentary election was to be held .
2 It was compatible also in that its procedures were much more closely aligned to historical scholarship than to critical evaluation , while at the same time enabling engagement in detailed analyses of literary language .
3 The overall conclusion was that bombing did not stiffen morale , but seriously depressed it : fatalism , apathy , defeatism , and other psychological effects were all more strongly encountered among bombed than umbombed sections of the population .
4 There may or may not have been divisions of opinion in the ranks of the progressive Alliance , but the Conservatives were all too evidently engaged in fratricidal strife .
5 Perversely , as it must have seemed to penal reformers , the opportunities offered by borstal training , with its reformative aims , were all too often spurned by young offenders , many of whom preferred a prison sentence to borstal training on the grounds that it was usually shorter and for a more certain period .
6 And how would such an affixation cope with the evident fact that the techniques , modes of expression and performers claimed by the counterculture as their own were apparently so easily appropriated by the established music industry interests , and the music spread into every social corner and function ?
7 Walpole-Bond noted that eggs were only very exceptionally laid before the end of April , but in recent years nests with eggs have been found in February ( the 26th , 1967 ) , and have been noted fairly regularly in late March and early April .
8 He sang an endless string of tuneful but meaningless words that were only very loosely attached to the long , narrative poem that went on inside his head .
9 Subjective risk ratings , surprisingly , were only very weakly related to the objective risk of accident as assessed by the actual number of accidents divided by the average traffic flow .
10 Nevertheless , observers on what might broadly be called the left were generally very much opposed to the creation of enterprise zones ( Anderson , 1980 ; Massey , 1982 ) .
11 Areas losing population were generally less well provided with public utilities ( such as piped water and sewerage ) than expanding villages .
12 We were not even properly docked before Lorne and I leapt ashore and headed for our favourite Chinese restaurant .
13 Would gamelan music come to bore him if there were not much else to listen to ?
14 These proposals were initially welcomed by both Helmut Kohl , the West German Federal Chancellor , and his Foreign Minister , Hans-Dietrich Genscher ( although they were not so favourably received by the East German government ) , but on May 8 Kohl rejected them as " negotiation poker " .
15 Sandys ' proposals were not so well received inside Whitehall .
16 But although they might be better mounted , by normal standards , they were not so well horsed for rough riding as were the Borderers on their tough , sure-footed hill ponies ; on this terrain the fleeing men ought to be able to keep ahead .
17 Neighbours who were not so well thought of stood and watched at gun-point , while their homes went up in flames .
18 Leeds City , whose wartime league was to be the Midland Section , were not very hard hit by the dispersal of players .
19 To find enough opponents of the left who were not too far committed in the other direction proved more difficult than we had imagined .
20 The Government 's stance took a further knock yesterday when the Conservative Bow Group published a survey showing senior British industrialists were not as vehemently opposed to the Charter as ministers .
21 There was further division within each field ; in physics , theoreticians were rated higher than experimentalists ; in law , mere academic specialists were not as highly thought of as those who had practised the profession .
22 The interactions of X-rays with living tissues were studied in very few laboratories , perhaps because physicists working with the new rays were not usually well informed about the biological problems which might be worth approaching , and biologists lacked the background and training in physics necessary to use X-rays in their work .
23 Prior to liability management , banks paid interest on comparatively few deposit liabilities and where they did such rates were not always closely related to market rates .
24 We were not always well treated as children ourselves .
25 There were a large number of decision-makers , whose concerns were not always properly captured by the budget coverage and the budgetary process .
26 Their activities were thus not only believed to be tangible proof of the truths of Christianity , but were also an essential link between men and a somewhat remote but terrifying god .
27 Quarterly bills were thus more widely used by the mid-1950s , even for the relatively poor consumers .
28 By 1840 Poles were almost entirely absent from the lists of Danzig merchants , were only a small minority on the list of Danzig house-owners , and were thus almost totally excluded from public life and government of the city .
29 In a rather odd way , 19th-century public schools were just as ideally suited for the fathers of gentlemen as they were for the sons of gentlemen .
30 Despite the stateliness of their domestic setting , Wordsworth and his sister were hardly more financially secure at Racedown than the household at Lime Street , and owed the possibility of living there to the brothers John and Azariah Pinney .
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