Example sentences of "were [prep] [be] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If a cause were to be rendered of natural appearances in special as what are the motions and influences of the heavenly bodies and of their parts , the reason hereof must either be drawn from the parts of the sciences above mentioned , or no reason at all will be given , but all left to uncertain conjecture . ’
2 Under the programme , which was drawn up by the EC Commission , Albania was to be given 50,000 tonnes of EC wheat ; further donations amounting to 100,000 tonnes of wheat were to be canvassed from other Western countries .
3 Touches on the economic tiller were to be reserved for monetary policy — and changes in interest rates in particular .
4 Sections of the Grid which were expected to carry increasingly heavy loads ( such as those between the coalfield power stations in the East Midlands and load centres in London ) were to be constructed with wide clearances so as to be suitable for conversion to even higher voltages later should the need arise .
5 During 1992 some 5,500 of the proposed 19,500 state housing units were to be constructed in occupied territories .
6 They were to be based on existing regional and other colleges already substantially engaged in higher education .
7 All stories were to be based on scientific and historical facts as we knew them at that time .
8 Of the 168 vacancies thus created , 42 were to be filled by new borough seats , including eight new London seats and seats for Manchester , Leeds , and Birmingham ; 55 were to be devoted to the provision of additional members for countries , to augment what had traditionally been regarded as the most " independent " element in the representative system ; and nine new places were to be given to Scotland , Ireland and Wales .
9 Nor was it an appealing thought to the king that while his own bureaucrats and servants were being thus harried , the pope 's men were assured of dispensations enough , and that since the resigned livings were vacated by papal decree , and therefore in effect at the Curia , they were to be filled by papal provision , not by the previous or usual patron .
10 In November the cardinals , together with representatives of the different national groupings , elected a new pope for the whole Church , Martin V. Before doing so , however , they had ensured through the decree Frequens that Councils were to be called at regular intervals of ten years .
11 By contrast , a sense of ‘ community ’ seemed to be absolutely essential if village populations were to be maintained at viable levels .
12 The JMCs were to be replaced by regional co-ordinating committees which would meet when necessary , the sub-JMCs would disappear and the mini-JMCs would form local co-ordinating committees which would also meet only when necessary .
13 The courts had been set up to administer a new penal code , unveiled on Sept. 7 , in which traditional written trials were to be replaced by public oral trials for criminal cases .
14 Free places were to be replaced by special places : still open to competition , but with the added requirement that parents should nevertheless pay an approved fee , to be adjusted according to the means of the family .
15 But the remaining 43 were to be elected by local and national politicians on a vocational basis : that is , they had to be elected to five panels for which they would qualify by having the requisite vocational expertise — administrative , cultural — educational , labour , industrial and commercial , and agricultural .
16 The president ( who would also chair the Council of Ministers ) , the vice-president , the prime minister , and the secretary and vice-chairman of the council of ministers were to be elected from different ethnic backgrounds and political groups .
17 Soviet customs regulations were to be maintained in Lithuania ( the Lithuanian government on March 17 had announced plans to curb exports from the republic , including introduction of Lithuanian-run border checkpoints ) , and guards were to be posted around nuclear power stations and " other very important sites which are all-union property " .
18 All new keyboards of composing machines were to be operated by male union labour , and fifty per cent of upmaking and correction on keyboard material was to be done by men .
19 ( To be more explicit : landowners were to be compensated for lost development value as it existed in 1948 , out of a fund for £300 million reserved for this purpose . )
20 If a patient suffering from cholera were to be treated with intravenous sterile solutions , he/she would require an average of 10 litres of the solution ( plus antibiotics ) during the course of the treatment .
21 Lugard also laid down an elaborate protocol for dealing with the emirs and chiefs , who were to be treated by British officers with the precise degree of courtesy — and no more — which their rank deserved .
22 His mood of self-satisfaction was far from justified in terms of social and economic realities , but even these were to be turned into personal triumphs for Franco in the course of the next two decades .
23 A critical element in these surveys was that data for past and future plans were to be presented at constant prices , as it was almost impossible to interpret a time series of expenditure for a period in which prices fluctuated significantly .
24 Saudi Arabia , by far the largest producer in OPEC , resisted pressure to accept a proportionally larger share of any cuts which were to be made in overall OPEC production .
25 Day nursery provision by local authorities was strictly limited in the 1930s and charged for , as a result of the cuts in local spending introduced as part of the National government 's economy drive , but when the Second World War came and women were to be mobilised in large numbers for the war effort , the government gave local authorities a 100-per-cent grant to cover the costs of day nurseries , merely charging parents for the cost of food served to the children .
26 If speed reducing measures such as humps were to be applied to other residential roads , then all manner of surface treatments for safety and environmental improvement — including shared spaces where appropriate — become feasible .
27 A third objection which could be raised is that it would be undesirable if the suggested approach were to be applied to certain types of jurisdictional error .
28 To this statement Paschal added a series of directions to Anselm showing in detail how the decrees were to be applied to parochial churches and to ecclesiastical land held by lay service .
29 Above all , the English in the age of Bede created a vigorous culture whose ripples were to be felt across Western Europe for decades .
30 It was the belief of many of its members that if explanations and theories were to be given for the facts collected in their natural histories , they were to be given in mechanical terms , specifically in terms of the corpuscular theory .
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