Example sentences of "were [verb] up at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Alleycat and Digger were looking up at the stars in the sky .
2 All eyes were looking up at the pit lane screens as every lap , every move , was relayed on to the tube
3 Our pens were collected up at the end of each session , so we never got the same pen twice , resulting in the nibs being frequently crossed .
4 Quite a number of them were turning up at the BBC and the harassed receptionist was heard to say , as she reported the arrival of yet another , ‘ I 'm sorry , where did you say you were king of ? ’
5 They were each offered a can of cold beer from a coolbox , and within a short time they were lining up at the barbecue , a plate in hand .
6 When we reached the hospital , four cars and a Land Rover were drawn up at the bungalow .
7 Even outside Europe , in Canada , Catholic unions were set up at the beginning of the twentieth century in order to ‘ protect ’ French-Canadian workers from the more suspect ideological influences of American ‘ international ’ ( actually bi-national ) unions which were organising there .
8 It did n't smash , but its beams were cast up at the ceiling , throwing a gauzy light down on the room below .
9 one thing 's for sure the appointment of John Gorman is a popular one on the terraces … he 's given the fans what they crave for … and that 's loyalty … from first thing this morning supporters were rolling up at the County Ground to have their say
10 there 's just five days to go to the start of the new football season … it 's the big kick-off this Saturday … and both Swindon and Oxford were warming up at the weekend
11 there 's just five days to go to the start of the new football season … it 's the big kick-off this Saturday … and both Swindon and Oxford were warming up at the weekend
12 When the greetings and exclamations were over , they told me that they had been staying on Mull for a few days , and had just arrived on Moila , and were putting up at the post office with Mrs McDougall .
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