Example sentences of "were [verb] to [be] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Efforts by Pakistan and Iran to broker a peace settlement with the mujaheddin on the basis of the UN plan were reported to be in progress as of mid-1991 .
2 Soon two-thirds of the activists of the Provisional IRA in Ulster were reported to be in prison either awaiting trial or convicted .
3 The changes , linked to the impending retirement of one of the two deputy directors-general , Madan G. Mathur , on July 31 , were reported to be in anticipation of the resumption of the " Uruguay Round " of talks under way at the technical level in Geneva since Feb. 26 [ see p. 38027 ] .
4 In the north , after a wave of determined attacks against the regime , forcefully repelled , 1 million Kurds were reported to be in flight , trudging through the mountains , hoping to find sanctuary in Turkey and Iran .
5 All the candidates were said to be in favour of free legislative elections and economic reform .
6 By March 31 Gamsakhurdia forces were said to be in retreat although railways and roads were still blocked .
7 A number of safeguards were said to be in force , the first being that all applications had to be made in writing .
8 After further adventures in Spain , Nicholas had a dream in which his family were seen to be in trouble and needing him , so he returned to England , proceeded by a huge crate of the books collected on his travels .
9 Some still retained private property as is evidenced by the fact that they met in private houses and that they would sell their assets if people were seen to be in need .
10 The bombings were thought to be in retaliation for the shooting by British soldiers in an undercover operation on Oct. 9 of IRA activists Desmond Grew and Martin McCaughey near Loughgall in south Armagh .
11 The arrests were thought to be in connection with a series of violent attacks .
12 These villages lie way beyond the reach of limited government services , which were shown to be in crisis last year when the island group was added to the United Nations ' list of Least Developed Countries ( LDCs ) .
13 By late July about 20 dissidents were known to be in detention , several ( including Matiba and Rubia ) under security legislation which allowed for detention without charge for up to 14 days or longer .
14 In an ensuing fight around Christmas time 1896 the police had swooped and arrested twenty-eight youths some of whom were found to be in possession of pistols , which was taken to link them to a young girl 's death — although this was some months later .
15 ACA ACA and FCA all of who were found to be in breach of Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that they at Stockport between 1 February 1991 and 31 October 1991 passed clients ' monies through their firm 's office account were each reprimanded and jointly and severally ordered to pay £250 by way of costs .
16 ACA , FCA ACA and FCA all of all of Bridge House , Heap Bridge , Bury , Lancs who were found to be in breach of Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that they at Bury between 7 August 1991 and 8 September 1991 passed clients ' monies through their firm 's office account were each reprimanded and jointly and severally ordered to pay £250 by way of costs .
17 FCA and FCA all of who were found to be in breach of Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that they at Hoylake on or about 17 September 1990 passed client 's money through their firm 's office account were each reprimanded and jointly and severally ordered to pay £250 by way of costs .
18 Well , not that bad really , but they 'd laden a van in London bound for Torquay , and managed to overfill it somewhat , so that when membership services executive Kevin Ramage ( driver ) and conference executive Meryl Halls ( navigator ) were stopped on the road to Torquay and instructed by the police to proceed to the nearest weighbridge , they were found to be in contravention of the law .
19 However Springette v Defoe [ 1992 ] Fam Law 459 ( which was not a case between husband and wife ) decided that where there had been no discussion between the parties about their respective beneficial interests , the Court could not infer an intention of equal shares ; the shares were presumed to be in proportion to their respective contributions .
20 He said and I do n't think that they were meant to be perhaps they were meant to be in order of importance .
21 In the hospital kitchen there was a gulf between those who were meant to be in charge and those who actually carried out the work .
22 Except where a delay or derogation was allowed under the Directive — and the UK had now also accepted that its grounds for derogation had all along been invalid — ‘ all supplies of drinking water in the United Kingdom were required to be in compliance with the Directive by 20 July ’ .
23 All the staff , whether sporting or not , were required to be in attendance .
24 Nevertheless they were held to be in contempt but , the strike having collapsed , no penalty was imposed .
25 But breaches of the injunction continued and the union officials were held to be in contempt , the union being fined £50,000 with sequestration of assets to follow , if needed .
26 Several unions were held to be in contempt , were fined and had their assets sequestrated .
27 In the event neither the manager nor the owners were held to be in breach of duty .
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