Example sentences of "were [verb] in [noun] for the " in BNC.

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1 Translations in ‘ latin ’ languages like Spanish and Italian were completed in time for the promulgation of the test by the Holy Father on December 7th last year .
2 She would n't touch that glass again , not if Gerry were trapped in Purgatory for the rest of time , she would n't .
3 By summonses dated 16 October , against each plaintiff , the defendants sought a declaration that in the circumstances the English court had no jurisdiction over the defendants in respect of the subject matter of the claim or the relief or remedy sought and an order that the action be dismissed on the grounds that the defendants were domiciled in Scotland for the purposes of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 and that Schedule 4 to the Act provided that the defendants should , subject to exceptions which were not applicable , be sued in the courts of Scotland .
4 He was in the main street before nine o'clock and many of the shops were not yet open ; assistants were waiting in doorways for the boss to arrive with the keys .
5 The short judgments proceed on the simple ground that the sheriff was not entitled to retain sums which he had no legal right to demand , but the sums were demanded in return for the rendering of a service , namely the issuing of warrants , so the case is capable of being rationalised on the basis that they were exacted colore officii , a concept which emerged more clearly in later cases .
6 Plans were set in action for the upgrading of publishing and education programmes and rejuvenation of the soldiery as well as the more obvious building and social programmes .
7 These differences amongst institutions , and amongst their environments and perceptions of direction and identity , were to account in part for the differences of speed and conviction with which they raised the question of independence or autonomy — or , in the terminology of the time , academic freedom .
8 In May , Thomas and Martha were tried in London for the murder of their children ; Thomas was found not guilty — as there was no evidence to suggest a motive , or that he was in the area at the time — and Martha was acquitted on the grounds of insanity .
9 A site was sought for a garage , but before the matter could be taken further , there came news of a possible change in control of the company and things were left in abeyance for the time being .
10 ‘ But I do know they were killed in retaliation for the attack on the base camp .
11 By the middle years of the fifteenth century litigants in civil suits before the Parlement of Paris could send word that they would not appear in person because they were engaged in war for the public good ( ‘ in expedicione causa rei publice ’ ) or were being detained as prisoners by the enemy .
12 If the hon. Gentleman would do me the service of going to the Library and reading the judgments , he would find that in the earlier proceedings , neither the Home Office nor my hon. Friend were held in contempt for the actions that were taken on 1 and 2 May .
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