Example sentences of "n't have [vb pp] a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Marr would n't have turned a hair on that , thought Theodora , but she said nothing .
2 So if you 'd like to play the game the only rule is that you must n't have played a phone in competition on this programme in the last four weeks .
3 Unfortunately , as I said , my mother is allergic to feathers , so I could n't have kept a bird at home even if I 'd had one .
4 I mean I do n't think it was a gas leak , it would n't have caused an explosion to the extent of that .
5 You would have thought The Woman In Black would n't have stood a ghost of a chance of survival with just two actors , a simple set and some offstage sound effects going for it .
6 ‘ Would n't have missed a second of it . ’
7 ‘ If he had lived any longer , the world would n't have given a toss for any of our compositions . ’
8 ‘ My father would n't have given a lift to anyone .
9 Always comes over for the hunting — do n't know why , for she ca n't have ridden a horse for centuries ! — and leads poor Woolacombe a dog 's life . ’
10 ‘ It 's accurate enough , ’ allowed Obispal , ‘ though by that stage my death would n't have made a whit of difference to the outcome .
11 If they would n't have made a scrap of slate it would have a world of difference to this strike .
12 But I think I think those elements are important otherwise Jesus would n't have made a point of it !
13 ‘ But I 'm not at all hungry , really , ’ said Breeze , who could n't have swallowed a mouthful at that moment .
14 Oh I could n't have done a quarter of it .
15 Oh , I could n't have done a quarter of it .
16 Without Shirley , he probably would n't have done a ton of marathons and collected his first medal from the Hundred Club .
17 Even I would n't have done a thing like that ! ’
18 It was an obvious-looking deception , and should n't have had a hope in hell of working ; but the girls were mostly young and good-looking , and their prey were mostly out-of-towners , and as long as they kept shifting their ground the money kept on coming in .
19 It was a girl like Eve Malone , a little pikasheen who would n't have had a drink on her at all , that would end up in hospital .
20 Gilda : ‘ If we were ordinary , moral , high-thinking citizens we should n't have had an affair at all . ’
21 ‘ But that would n't have meant a thing to Elise , would it ?
22 ‘ But you ca n't have spent a lifetime with someone and not feel some affection for them . ’
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