Example sentences of "'s [pron] [adj] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sadly , thought , there 's nothing new on the T-shirt front to match last year 's classic ‘ Did You Miss Ned 's Atomic Dustbin — Then You F—ed Up ’ .
2 There 's nothing new under the sun !
3 Jim Whiston , quality manager at C&P , quite happily admits that , ‘ there 's nothing new in the quality improvement theory . ’
4 Now of course that , it is the defendant 's case I anticipate , erm is er , although there 's nothing specific in the rule about it , is said to be er only a possibility for a plaintiff if the plaintiff when they sell , he or she served the notice to complete is in a position to be able to complete himself and here .
5 They are symbolic representations , but there 's nothing absolute about the type of symbols we use on them .
6 MID-RANGE motorcycles may only cover the 25O-65Occ class , but there 's nothing average in the type and style of biking they offer .
7 ‘ No , ’ said Darby , ‘ there 's nothing distinctive about the envelope .
8 The guitar is conventionally equipped with two volume and two tone pots , just like a Gibson SG , and John Diggins is quick to add that there 's nothing fancy about the wiring .
9 ‘ There 's nothing casual about the way I feel about you , Folly .
10 But there 's nothing unusual about the appearance of either man that might help us ? ’
11 " And there 's nothing unusual about the room this morning ? "
12 Oh it 's only the return spring on it , there 's nothing wrong with the dryer
13 In other words if there 's nothing wrong with the modelling technique , even then the level of re relief is perhaps something closer to twenty five percent over the A sixty one as a whole .
14 While there 's nothing wrong with the principle or music of the CND ‘ Give Peace A Dance 3 ’ compilation , it 's a little worrying that tracks with titles like ‘ F— Off Mix ’ and ‘ Jihad ’ ( holy war , or am I wrong ? ) should have crept on to it .
15 This is the argument that suggests that senior officers are rather like Sir Humphrey figures in Yes Minister , who take the view that there 's nothing wrong with the government except for all these elected clowns that clutter the place up
16 There 's nothing wrong with the music , but the record industry have got to sort out the singles market before sales fall further . ’
17 There 's nothing wrong with the operation .
18 But there 's nothing wrong with the spelling , and no one said anything about limping as he wrote . ’
19 There 's nothing wrong with the Child Support Act .
20 ‘ There 's nothing wrong with the clutch .
21 ‘ There 's nothing wrong with the roof , ’ said William .
22 There 's nothing wrong with the taste , but it 's a culinary shock if you order one or two for dessert under the impression that you are about to eat some oriental sweetmeat .
23 So that 's very , very important because it can be very misleading and you could be fooled into thinking that there 's nothing wrong with the baby , then there 'll also be swelling of the hands , feet and the eyelids might swell up , the medical word for that is oedema which you may well see in books , which means swelling occasionally the overlying skin is
24 ‘ There 's nothing wrong with the wine , ’ he told her .
25 Noel Coward said after the opening night of the musical version of Gone With The Wind at Drury Lane , during which a horse misbehaved heavily on stage : ‘ There 's nothing wrong with the show that shoving the child ( Bonny Langford ) up the horse 's backside wo n't cure . ’
26 Yeah , now they 've become very erm , there 's nothing exciting in the lighting shops in Harlow now , at all .
27 Meanwhile there 's nothing mystical about the version of Sumo wrestling going on in the city centre .
28 there 's nothing wonderful about the cotton , but the cushions look absolutely superb because there were just thin lines of the , you can tell it was when you looked at it quite cheap ribbon but just arranged in a beautiful square and then a little bit of lace .
29 That 's her finished for the season but she will be back next year and should show a great deal of improvement . ’
30 There 's something new in the nest said the snow bright polar bear , I saw its shadow on a glacier as it had left no paw marks there .
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