Example sentences of "'s [art] [adj] [noun] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 There 's the flat cap that I use in the car , yeah ?
2 er , yes my Lord , there 's the prior point that we er , we would submit as indicated in the skeleton of the eleventh of November that on its true construction , erm the central fund byelaw , article ten in particular er gives rise to a payment of a specified sum , ascertain sum , payable forthwith on demand , it 's rather like the example your Lordship gave of the Barclaycard or the cheque , if my learned friend is right
3 I wo n't be in on Monday so people will have to come in on Monday somebody will have to come in on Monday , go to the room specified which I have n't agreed yet and then put it on and then bring it back again to so people who ca n't make it today , that that 's the alternative arrangement but I 'll tell you more when I come back at eleven o'clock , okay ?
4 Now those are arteries , that 's the pulmonary artery but it 's coming back to the heart okay , that 's the only time you 're going to find the rule reversed , arteries leave the heart , veins come back to the heart , and the only time that rule is reversed is when you 're linking the heart and the lungs through the pulmonary vein and the pulmonary artery , however , they are still carrying , the arteries are still carrying oxygen charged blood , yes , because it 's come fresh from the lungs so it 's still carrying nice red lovely oxygenated blood , yes , even though it 's coming back into the heart , that is because it 's come fresh from the lungs and the vein although it 's going in the opposite direction the way you normally expect it , is still carrying the old rotten , you know , used up blood , because it 's going back to the lungs to be recharged , do you understand it alright ?
5 No , that 's the actual paper but I
6 that 's the perfect time and I had this sort of doubt in my mind erm then I was fortunate I learnt a co a very good scripted presentation for getting referred leads and once I started to actually ask , cos that 's all it comes down to , erm then I was getting three , four , in the end I was being quite clever and saying look if you just restrict them to three then I 'll give them the same good service I reckon I 've given you this service
7 Yeah cold and damp that 's the two things that it does n't like .
8 It 's the other trappings that I find irksome — particularly the Union Jack .
9 it 's cos he went up mum 's the other day and they 've all got it but I do n't like
10 I think there are perhaps one or two who are very , very aware and are making their own life uncomfortable about it , but I think they 're so much in the minority that it 's the other lot that we should be worrying about .
11 I wonder if they 've got any here now that have n't got any time signatures , because that 's the other thing that they they like to give you .
12 Not , not there is a side chapel there , the east chapel and that 's the catholic chapel but it 's also used by the non- catholic group .
13 that 's , that 's the modern church cos he knows everyone 's getting pissed on a Saturday night , so they 've got ta let it
14 It 's when they start getting round to looking at our facility agreements , start looking at how we 're organizing , the councillors , even if it 's the Labour Council as it is Manchester , will soon cotton on to the , in the , soon cotton to their , their , their potential power in terms of threatening our ability to organize and UNISON wo n't actually be that far behind persuading them to do , to do that because they want to see the G M B getting smashed in local authorities up and down the country which means as far as I can see , we need some resources coming in to assist in our branches with local authority membership pretty damn quick , because otherwise we , come July the first , we 're gon na find we 'll be up against it .
15 We have girls in the offices and women in the offices obviously , but she 's the only tradesperson if you like , on the floor .
16 you 're talking round and you 've suddenly become a convert to the private site because it 's the only way that you can find that your party can oppose the establishment of proper and properly managed gipsy sites in Oxfordshire .
17 Its my own personal opinion that the only true love and er I have to honestly say I 've never heard love here defined as I would as the totally unconditional love that happens between a woman and a child , probably from the moment of birth that bonds them through life , that 's the only love that I could ever admit to .
18 I do n't know because I mean a couple of people have changed cos it 's the only time that they can have it .
19 I 'm glad there 's somebody 's come up with that one because that 's the only time that you say something a little bit different from the number itself .
20 And when you write it as a number it 's the only time that you ever put any little letters next to it .
21 That 's the only reason that they can afford to do it , and they make a packet on top of it .
22 But that 's the only thing that I ever remember getting .
23 You wo n't know it 's the real thing unless you ( and she ) still feel the same in , oh , a year or so at least ; that 's the only way to prove you are n't living a dragonfly mistake .
24 But that 's the real world and we have to be positive and make it the best for them as it can be , with love , affection and trust . ’
25 because it 's the pleasant times that you remember .
26 Brigadier , evidently and we 've heard lots and lots of these stories , and you 've said you think it 's the occasional example but you 're doing all you can to stamp it out , but evidently the Army is a haven for bullies , sadists and rapists .
27 Yes , Tuesdays , the accounts manager , I think if everybody wants to get that reaction , if that 's the regular reaction that they get , you know , people dumping on them all the time , it is water off a duck 's back , you take it more , you take it more on board if it is an occasional thing , .
28 Now if we 're going to exit on that side , where 's the best position that you would normally be in ?
29 that electrolysis , that 's the best way but it takes ages .
30 Yeah that 's the best way cos it really hurts .
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