Example sentences of "were no [noun] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 1973 there was only a limited attempt at directing private development within the burghs of Kirkwall and Stromness and there were no restrictions on building in the Landward area of the county .
2 In the present study , both sources were used to identify theses , and it was found that , whilst there were areas of non-overlap between them in particular years , over the whole period there were no gaps in coverage of either .
3 We were breathing together again and there were no barriers of disbelief between us .
4 There were no trends in death from cardiovascular or non-cardiovascular disease with length , though men whose length at birth was 20 inches ( 50.8 cm ) or less had a standardised mortality ratio of 103 from cardiovascular disease , compared with 93 in the remainder .
5 High effective rates of tariff protection ( up to 93 per cent ) ( World Bank , 1987 : p. 283 ) , were no defence against competition from local Asian producers and from smuggled goods .
6 And there were no laughs in store for homebuyers , as Bank of England Governor Robin Leigh-Pemberton warned of the dire consequences of another interest rate cut .
7 During his time as organizer there were no instances of damage to the coaches , and on every trip a whip-round was arranged for the driver .
8 In the whole series there were no differences in survival in the groups treated with chemotherapy , surgery , or the combination of both .
9 Table II shows that there were no differences in duration of diabetes between the two groups .
10 There were no tears in evidence at his funeral .
11 ‘ There were no slabs of marble in sight when Harry and I went into the upstairs room of the boathouse .
12 Their starting point was to set up a model in which there were no opportunities for arbitrage by specifying an equality between those investors taking their returns solely in terms of capital gains by selling before the share went ex-dividend , and those who sold after the share went ex-dividend and thus collected their return in capital gains and dividends : where .
13 Until last weekend , there were no indications of change in the rule of repression that served Dr Banda so well , until Catholic bishops broke the nation 's silence with a highly critical Lenten pastoral letter .
14 There were no representatives from Contact on any of these committees , although the group constituted almost one-third of the overall number of users at one of the centres and almost one-half at the other two .
15 There were no applications for bail for either defendant and both were granted legal aid by the magistrates .
16 There were no applications for bail for either , and both were granted legal aid by the magistrates .
17 provide that : This bold attempt both to exclude private international law and to make ULIS applicable in Contracting States even if there were no point of contact with a Contracting State had its supporters but attracted such fierce criticism that no organization concerned with unification has had the temerity to repeat the experiment .
18 There were no stripes of shade down the folds of the yellow brocade curtains .
19 Most took their leaflets , warning of the dangers of the occult , but there were no confrontations in front of a handful of police officers watching from a riot van last night .
20 There were no guards in front of the prison , so they went to the gate and waited there .
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