Example sentences of "n't so [adj] that [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ What saddened me about the reviews , ’ said Crawford , ‘ was n't so much that they had a go at the play , but they did n't recognise all the work done for me by the rest of the team .
2 It was n't so much that he had confirmed her fears , it was his tone she found infuriating .
3 It was n't so much that she looked old and wrinkled ( if you could discount the gleaming white halo of hair ) since her complexion was as smooth and pink as an infant 's .
4 ‘ Perhaps it was n't so much that she wanted to leave home .
5 It was as if he were gazing into heaven , and Agatha was n't so old that she 'd forgotten what that felt like .
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