Example sentences of "an [adj] [noun sg] of [noun prp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Attacked by the invisible Visians , they are forced to escape from an invading troop of Daleks in the Daleks ’ own vessel .
2 The spacious railway carriage known as The Anna Karenina is available for charters by private groups of two to eight passengers , allowing an extensive tour of Russia in considerable style and comfort .
3 At a press conference on July 19 the president of the National Assembly Juan Escalona said that " we have never believed that socialism is only possible with one party " , adding that under the present conditions , with an economic blockade of Cuba by the USA , " the existence of a single party is a defence mechanism " .
4 These ranged from an economic blockade of Lithuania in April 1990 [ see pp. 37360-62 ] , and violent military intervention in the Baltics in January 1991 [ see pp. 37944-45 ] , through a continuing " battle of the laws " with the RFSFR , to efforts to mediate over or exploit inter-ethnic conflicts within and between seceding republics ( such as the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh and the South Ossetia dispute in Georgia — see p. 37971 ) .
5 Gilbert Elliot , second Earl of Minto [ q.v. ] , while staying in Geneva in 1821 , recorded an account of Schweppe given him by François Hubert , the blind Swiss naturalist , an old friend of Schweppe in Bouchet .
6 I TOOK the little cinder that was the remains of the wasp and put it into a matchbox , wrapped in an old photograph of Eric with my father .
7 b , The frequency of C within the dynamic fractal generated by a single D invading an infinite array of C. At generation t , the width for the growing D structure is , and the frequency of C , f C ( t ) within the square of size ( centred on the initial D site is shown as a function of t .
8 For Peking , Tibet has been an inseparable part of China since the 13th century , although direct control was not established until 1950 , when the People 's Liberation Army invaded the region after the revolution .
9 In the minds of those who gave positive thought to it , the Commonwealth was to be an organization to which no one who was unwilling need apply , and in which those who had joined were to reach their decisions on the basis of consensus : the goal to be pursued was an uncoerced acknowledgement of Britain as the senior partner in a world-wide enterprise ; the position to be sought was the supremely equivocal but potentially supreme satisfying one of primus inter pares .
10 Tibet became an autonomous region of China in 1965 , but the Tibetans continued to regard the Dalai Lama as their " god-king " and to resent the Chinese presence .
11 Tibet became an autonomous region of China in 1965 , but the Tibetans continued to regard the Dalai Lama as their " god-king " and to resent the Chinese presence .
12 Almost an entire generation of Titfords in Frome was increasingly destitute from the 1780s onwards ; in a town which had depended heavily upon the wool industry for its prosperity for so long , the innate conservatism of the local clothiers left them unable to respond to changing times and new technology .
13 I do n't really think much has changed in appropriate critical judgements since 1906 , but it is an intriguing example of Schillings in triumphalist mood .
14 Evidence for wall-painting is also given by fragments of painted plaster from the exterior of an early temple of Poseidon on the Isthmus .
15 [ Holds up an idealised portrait of Jesus with blond hair and blue eyes . ]
16 Its strange , lowered vista , for instance ( which now reminds the adult more than anything else of George Herriman 's Krazy Kat , where buildings disappear and reappear from frame to frame " ) is an obvious representation of London in the late forties and fifties : all the houses had gaps in between , because of the bombs , and the sky came closer to the ground than seemed right .
17 It 's all a long way since his early acting days on the stage in the late Seventies which culminated in playing Lady MacDuff in an all-male production of Macbeth in Glasgow .
18 The fact that central government was now beginning to regard Siberia as an integral part of Russia as a whole , rather than merely as a colonial appendage , was marked by the abolition in 1763 of the Siberian Department ( Sibirskii prikaz ) , the central state bureau which had , with a brief interruption under Peter the Great , been directly responsible for the governance and administration of the territory since 1637 .
19 They have already arranged a rigorous season for the All Blacks , beginning with three centenary ‘ Tests ’ against the World XV in April , two against Ireland in May-June and now three against the Wallabies during an 11-match tour of Australia in June and July .
20 Plans are now afoot for an important exhibition of Canaletto in England and another devoted to the more unexpected theme of dogs in art , enterprisingly planned to coincide with Crufts ' arrival at the NEC early next year .
21 Two findings point to an important role of CCK in the regulation of postprandial gall bladder motility .
22 It is an important piece of Germany on the Swiss shore of the Bodensee , overlooking the point where the Untersee joins it , but since it will inevitably be in the path of the traveller following those lakes , it had better be mentioned .
23 It had on it an enormous photo of Bernard in hot pursuit of a cartoon of two bikini clad girls .
24 He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1974 and an honorary Fellow of Jesus in 1980 ; won the British Biochemical Society 's CIBA Medal and Prize for outstanding research in 1973 , and the Royal Society 's Copley Medal in 1981 .
25 This is an inescapable result of Allen v. Flood , however unfortunate some of its consequences may be .
26 An embryological study of Carausius by Scholl ( 1969 ) confirms this , suggesting that the neck includes a dorsal labial component and a ventral prothoracic part , though Wada ( 1966 ) regards the neck of Tachycines as entirely labial in origin .
27 In the second year , there is an in-depth examination of Scotland since 1660 ; this brings out how many aspects of modern Scotland were shaped as long ago as the late seventeenth century .
28 Clearly this phenomenon is not confined to the United States ; value pluralism has created something of an educational Tower of Babel in Britain also .
29 His supporters subsequently asserted that the Browns had passed Common 's patterns to McCormick , but there is no evidence that the American , working in an isolated part of Virginia from 1831 , ever encountered them before his reaper improvements of ten years later .
30 The UCC 's Office of Communication , which has been an active member of WACC for over 20 years , will be the first religious organisation to receive the award — the Missouri Honor Medal for Distinguished Service in Journalism .
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