Example sentences of "an [noun sg] out [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When I deny things in an existence out of the mind , I do not mean my own mind in particular , but all minds .
2 First of all we have to time ourselves according to the buses which are one an hour out of the village into town , which is just a five minute journey .
3 The old adage that you only get out what you put in becomes very meaningful and it is only too easy to miss an employee out of a list because a code has been entered incorrectly or because information is inconsistent .
4 Then , leaning forward , she picked an olive out of the glass dish in front of them and held it between thumb and forefinger .
5 He just gives us an exercise out of the book , and he just sits … he always seems to be writing something . ‘
7 We live in Hastings and have relatives to stay most summers , the highlight of which is usually an evening out on the town , finishing up at a plush restaurant for dinner .
8 Maryon was getting a bit worried about him after an evening out in a restaurant : he had been getting behind with his alcohol intake so he decided to catch up .
9 Birdwatchers should keep an eye out for a variety of birds including capercaillies , crested tits and crossbills .
10 Even so , many an intrepid user carted one from pillar to post while keeping an eye out for a mains socket .
11 I was whistling a medley of Ellingtonia and keeping an eye out for a transport café for breakfast and feeling fairly pleased with myself .
12 Keep an eye out for the sport simulation freaks as well , most have a strong competitive streak .
13 However , seeing as I was in Rosslare that day , it amused me to keep an eye out for the car he 'd described .
14 ‘ I do n't feel I am doing an Englishman out of a place in front of 54,000 in one of the great matches of the rugby calendar .
15 She felt that the slightest movement would snap his will , precipitating an explosion out of the swell of desire that was sweeping them both to the edge of a world they were too prudent to enter willingly .
16 Next season will open with a commission from Scottish-based composer Sally Beamish , and an opening out of the Ensemble 's programming — to date , fairly conventional — is promised , as BT enable the base of their work to broaden .
17 Some Canadian courts fell into the practice of declaring that ‘ controversial ’ evidence should not be taken by an examiner out of the jurisdiction ; it was better that such evidence be fully tested in the trial court .
18 But then again , it depends if till they build an extension out in the back , it 'll cost a fortune .
19 It was necessary for Ockleton to push an armchair out of the way to reach the cupboard he sought , set low in a corner wall .
20 Later she tried to make an oven out of an iron safe , but it did not work .
21 Once again , however , it costs nothing to try an idea out on the screen .
22 If the bankrupt can not himself prepare a proper statement of affairs , the official receiver may either employ someone at the expense of the estate to assist in its preparation ( r 6.63(1) ) or make an allowance out of the estate to a named person to assist the bankrupt in its preparation ( r 6.63(2) and ( 3 ) ) .
23 No matter how carefully he sliced each shovelful in an arc out on the wind , there were certain unpredictable gusts that lifted the grains and blew them back towards the tractor so that by evening his clothes were filthy with lime , his face and hands as white as chalk , accentuating the inflamed red round his eyes .
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