Example sentences of "an [noun sg] who have [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Madam , I confess myself deeply grieved that you should judge one an enemy who has ever served you and yours faithfully and to the utmost of his ability , ’ he said sorrowfully — and the prince , watching the scene with avid interest , expected to see tears well from his eyes .
2 The rule was struck down as being an unreasonable restraint of trade when the Society attempted to prevent the defendants from employing an employee who had recently left another member of the association .
3 The story that is told is a story which never ends — and which risks losing shape and momentum — because it is a story told of himself by a living author , an author who has yet to end , whose isolate 's imaginative fury lives on to tell another tale , some more of his own story .
4 Neuberg ( 1989 ) is an author who has recently considered this type of work in detail .
5 The other half can most conveniently be received in lire ( cash please ) by William Fosdyke , an Englishman who has long made his home in Mondano and who has certain bills to discharge in relation to the property .
6 There is really no way of knowing how long it takes to develop an actor who has already gained a lot from work in university .
7 An innocent who 'd somehow wandered down into the rat run , just asking to get bitten .
8 And if the picture is viewed at some later time , the face can be easily seen again by an observer who has already solved the puzzle once .
9 Especially as voiced by an American who had disloyally taken the wrong side in a war just successfully completed ‘ for democracy ’ , the sentiments must have seemed — in 1948 , when The Pisan Cantos appeared — nothing short of shameless !
10 However , he was partly compensated by being created a Privy Councillor in Disraeli 's resignation honours of 1880 , an unusual distinction for an MP who had never held office .
11 In the Divisional Court , Horridge J rejected this argument on the basis that an assignee who had neither taken possession nor attorned tenant could not claim specific performance in his own right …
12 To Zvi , Wine was an upstart — an interloper who had suddenly appeared in the community a year ago ( real name , Zvi had been told , was Benny Wineberg from Brighton ) , set up as a dentist , and by charging ludicrously low fees had been taking clients from Zvi .
13 The intrusive Boswell then took another liberty — ; that of pointing out to Johnson ‘ that he very often sat quite silent for a long time , even when in company with only a single friend ’ , at which Johnson reminded Boswell of an acquaintance who had once observed , ‘ Sir , you are like a ghost : you never speak till you are spoken to . ’
14 Last but not least , Keith is an historian who has frequently visited Mexico and it does n't faze him that I , as a Mexican , should come to his country to write about its artists .
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