Example sentences of "an [noun sg] to [noun] [coord] the " in BNC.

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1 Well they , they had to do the , it had n't used to have very good drainage and far more of a slope , it , it 's far more level today than it used to be , it used to have a great slope towards the long end which was considered an advantage to Walsall and the water used to gather , but I believe the improved the drainage and had pipes put under which it , it does n't seem to gather water so much now down at the railway end .
2 Hay fever is really an allergy to pollen and the peak time is early June .
3 An Old Firm game played on the Saturday before an international match is clearly not an aid to Roxburgh and the fact that it was the 34th match of a gruelling 44-game championship did not escape his attention , either .
4 He found their steady , rhythmic progress an aid to concentration and the oddly oblique views of the world they offered — weed-choked farmland at the feet of embankments , gnome-dotted gardens on the edges of towns — ran somehow parallel with his own .
5 The very unfamiliarity , now , of the language and concepts of Christianity makes it possible to present these anew both as a moral ideal and an attitude to humanity and the capacities of humanity .
6 The newspaper report was based on an announcement to shareholders and the media by Navan Resources .
7 That 48½inch long weapon , described by some as a monstrosity and others as an affront to decency and the Royal and Ancient game , has , according to Sam , done no less than salvage his entire career .
8 An Information Science element had existed in the course for some time and included not only an introduction to libraries and the nature of information but also on-line retrieval systems and other forms of electronic information provision .
9 The result was an invitation to London and the offer of a job as assistant to the managing director , with the responsibility of overseeing a project to install amusement machines in the company 's pubs and restaurants .
10 The German marine scientist Victor Hensen ( 1835–1924 ) led an expedition to Greenland and the tropics in 1889 , which showed that — contrary to everyone 's expectations — the colder waters supported the greater quantity of life .
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