Example sentences of "an [noun sg] [prep] [noun] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The curators ' muse here is Diana Vreeland , whose ‘ editorial verve ’ , the curators say , took the Costume Institute ( made part of the Met in 1946 ) from an assemblage of theatre costumes to one of the world 's largest collections .
2 The canard that the UN 's peacekeeping department keep nine-to-five hours was a frustrated Canadian blast from General Lewis MacKenzie , an ex-commander of UN forces in ex-Yugoslavia .
3 Mabbut as chairman and the aim was to ‘ collect evidence on the nature and causes of environmental changes constituting extension of deserts into marginal regions or an intensification of desert conditions within desert regions ’ ( Mabbut , 1976 ) .
4 An experience of health workers in Ireland
5 There has been an overestimation of property prices in the Government 's thinking .
6 A one-day blitz through the Belgian Viertel would include the following highlights : at Tanja Grunert , Peter Weibel 's installation , ‘ On justifying the hypothetical character of art and the non-identical nature of objects ’ ; Rudolf Kicken 's exhibition of sixty vintage photographs by Man Ray ; and Kubinski Köln 's presentation of an installation of steel sculptures by Viennese artist Heimo Zobernig .
7 Will the right hon. Gentleman arrange for the Secretary of State for Defence to make a statement about the way in which contractors are paid £10 an hour for security guards at some of our vital establishments when security guards in my constituency are being paid £1.80 an hour ?
8 By 1998 a simple change of platforms in airport style comfort will offer passengers a full range of destinations and , together with the new rail link to the coast , lop an hour off journey times to the continent .
9 The plane took off an hour behind time thanks to EC president Jacques Delors ' late arrival .
10 There is an Index to Government Orders in force in 1979 , arranged alphabetically under subject-headings , and continued by annual volumes .
11 The plaintiff still proceeded even though the defendant had agreed not to challenge an award of $364,444 damages in respect of the earlier version of " Oscar " .
12 A native of Los Angeles , she had been an exporter of craft goods from Lima when , on a short trip to the jungle , her plane was grounded at Puerto Maldonaldo for two weeks .
13 However , an upregulation of E molecules at the cell surface might be expected in mice with high levels of both Eb and Ea transgenes , as had been seen for Ab and Aa transgenes ( 68 ) .
14 comes from Delta State in Nigeria and is studying for an MBA in Development Studies at Leeds .
15 On May 16 , as the government denounced the postponement as an attempt by rebel groups to " buy time to intensify the war " , the EPRDF launched a fresh offensive against the Ethiopian army in southern Wollo and northern Shoa regions , north-east of Addis Ababa .
16 On May 6 an attempt by opposition deputies in the People 's Assembly to remove Gramoz Rucaj from the post of caretaker Interior Minister because of the Shkodër events had been defeated , but a majority had voted in favour of dismissing Procurator General Rrapo Mino and head of the Investigator-General 's Office Qemal Lane .
17 VMAP reports will give an indication of response/turnaround times for certain transactions , and these may be useful for showing trends which highlight potential problems .
18 Salsburg is an employee of Pfizer Laboratories in Connecticut .
19 It is hoped to form an Association of Parish Catechists for the area .
20 The ‘ agencies ’ proposed in the Ibbs Next Steps Report ( see Chapter 2 ) , for example , are seen as an alternative to government departments for the delivery of a wide range of executive functions in line with the Thatcher government 's emphasis on ‘ value for money ’ .
21 This was done because in theory fusion neutrons could be an alternative to fission reactors for making fissile elements for weapons .
22 Yorkshire CCC plan to hold an auction of cricket memorabilia in June/July .
23 They 're up for sale at an auction of film props to be held in Norton in Gloucestershire .
24 TWO Gotcha Oscars donated by television star Noel Edmonds were sold during an auction of showbusiness memorabilia in aid of a Suffolk charity .
25 A native of southern Europe and western Asia , costmary is now naturalized in Europe and North America , being introduced when it was detailed as an ingredient in cookery books of the time .
26 an appreciation of design issues through other course work
27 Although geopolitical factors ( desire of East Europeans to hold dollars outside the US ) and the US current account deficit ( which led to an accumulation of dollar holdings in Europe ) played a role , the development of the euromarkets is largely explicable in terms of various fiscal and prudential regulations applied to domestic financial markets .
28 He took them to Mahala Andrews , an expert in fossil fishes at the Chambers Street Museum to learn that these were specimens no-one had ever seen before and they included a species of fresh water shark .
29 DEC will target Japan as a growing market for networked computer systems and a source of strategic alliances , Reuter reports from Tokyo : ‘ Japan is a critically important market to Digital Equipment , ’ president and chief executive Robert Palmer said at an exposition of DEC products in the city ; Kubota Corp has already said it will use DEC 's Alpha chip in its workstations and rumours naming Japanese companies that are planning Alpha-based links with DEC have appeared in the Japanese business press .
30 After an exchange of rifle shots with the crew of the Föhn , Lieutenant-Commander A.N.F. de Costabadic DSC got aboard this armed trawler .
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