Example sentences of "an [noun sg] [conj] [modal v] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Close has an insurance business to run , an excuse that will be accepted .
2 Four months ' observations of QB 1 reveal an orbit that would be expected for a Kuiper-belt object , although there is still considerable uncertainty in the eccentricity .
3 None the less , research has shown that a surprisingly large proportion of the population has not only had an experience that could be called religious , but that , for many , this experience consequently affected their lives in some quite important way .
4 He denounced democracy as a psychopathic expression of inferiority and compromise as an aberration that must be crushed out of existence .
5 As commander-in-chief — he would not co-operate with Spanish generals on any other terms — Wellington was loth to regard native troops as an instrument that could be used with safety in battle .
6 Overexpression of IRF-2 is tumorigenic , an effect that can be inhibited by increasing the expression of IRF-1 .
7 This is not an allegation that can be levelled at Frank Tipler , a cosmologist at Tulane University in Indiana .
8 Generosity , however , was not an emotion that could be found in many Palestinian hearts in Lebanon , and the hatred that burned in 1948 was eagerly taken up by a new generation .
9 And biologists at universities are wary of spending years designing an experiment that may be postponed or lost in space .
10 ( i ) Describe briefly an experiment that could be carried out to obtain these results in the laboratory .
11 The English are sometimes accused of caring more about animals than fellow humans but it is not an accusation that can be levelled at Christine Hall .
12 From Dundonnell a cart track leads up from the road to the plateau of An Teallach and can be followed until the twin peaks of Beinn Dearg come into sight .
13 Amendment of the Irish constitution is , of course , a matter for the Republic , but I am glad that it continues to be an issue that could be tackled in fresh political talks .
14 All being well , it will now go on to become an infant and will be born around 40 weeks after conception takes place .
15 Any system that costs the British taxpayer more than £2.5 billion , only half of which reaches farmers , is an absurdity and must be abolished .
16 ‘ The eschaton is a future event but , to the extent that our lives are determined and qualified by it , it is also a contemporary event , an event that can be seen in the signs of the times ’ ( Nolan 1976:76 ) .
17 He had attacked Eliot for worshipping culture , which I considered about as false an imputation as could be imagined .
18 This is not an enterprise that can be completed in a few months .
19 Second , everything you draw is an object that can be selected , moved , reshaped or deleted independently of the rest .
20 The ‘ thing itself ’ , the ‘ substance ’ , is thought of as an object that can be separated from its attributes .
21 YEARS ago Peter Brook held up Debussy 's Pelleas et Melisande as an example of an opera that could be condensed without being harmed .
22 YEARS ago , Peter Brook held up Debussy 's Pelleas et Melisande as an example of an opera that could be condensed without being harmed .
23 By this definition , marriage is an arrangement that should be terminated once it no longer meets the needs of one or other of the partners .
24 This call is most often given just after the female has laid an egg and may be used to attract males for further mating .
25 This suggests that economic and political factors are vital in shaping the nature and extent of the effects of changes within these institutions , an argument that will be examined more closely in later chapters .
26 " Nevertheless , it is an argument that could be used .
27 The result is a profound advance from the position of Britain in the '70s to that of Britain in the '90s — an advance that must be continued .
28 However , when such play becomes hurtful or frightening to one of the children involved it may have effect equal to that of interference by an adult and should be regarded accordingly .
29 But that that 's a little thought that I have , a gut feeling you know an instinct erm that might be an area that could be chosen concentrated on this year .
30 When a record can not be placed in its home position , it must be stored at an address that can be located quickly .
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