Example sentences of "an [noun] of [noun] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The United Kingdom , which at the 1989 conference in Malaysia had been isolated because of its opposition to a declaration calling for an intensification of sanctions against South Africa , took a lead in Harare on several issues .
2 The context is different , especially for an exporter of manufactures like Britain , but there 's a basic common question which arises at the root of the problems of erm technology choice in Africa , in Asia , Latin America and in a European country like Britain .
3 7.4 There are a number of reasons for the decision to use Personal Interviews as an Instrument of Assessment in PSD :
4 Holomisa had ended Transkei 's state of emergency on Nov. 7 , 1989 [ see p. 37033 ] , freed ANC and PAC prisoners , and encouraged contact with the ANC ; during a visit to the United States at the end of January 1990 he said that these measures showed a commitment to change and to unity on the part of all black people , and that he wanted to make Transkei 's independence an instrument of liberation for South Africa .
5 In the 1920s , commercial bills , both international and domestic , were nearly as important an instrument of finance in England as bank advances .
6 The companies involved are all foreign : at Ballymoney the Australian Meekatharra Minerals Ltd ; at Loughbeg , Anglo United Development Corporation , an associate of Northgate of Canada and Grenmore Holdings Ltd ( a British company which later changed its name to the more local-sounding Tyrone Lignite Ltd ) ; in the Coagh and Washing bay areas BP Coal Ltd , a subsidiary of the giant BP oil company .
7 President Lech Walesa was said to have been astonished and upset by Kolodziejczyk 's retirement which was seen by observers as an indication of tension between Olszewski and Walesa , who had initially opposed the formation of the Olszewski government .
8 The Institute was founded in 1982 by an association of members including Oxford University , the EC , the Organization of Arab Oil Exporting Countries ( OAPEC ) and government departments or public institutions of the UK , France , Sweden Norway , Mexico , Kuwait , Saudi Arabia , Canada and Japan .
9 The Universiade GB board also announced that the immediate cash-flow problems , revealed a week ago , had now been resolved by an injection of funds by Sheffield City Council and that further offers of financial support are to be followed up immediately .
10 The programme selected for this experiment was an episode of Pathfinders to Venus , a series already demonstrated as the main forerunner of Doctor Who .
11 Until the 1930's , apart from the water being screened nothing was added to it , but with an outbreak of typhoid in Croydon , chlorine was added .
12 The five-part Mass Fera Pessima — as its mutilated manuscript superscription should probably be read , though certain scholars have tried to dub it A Pessinuntia ( on account of its saturation in the dark Phrygian mode ) or even A Pestilentia ( speculatively linking it with an outbreak of plague in Stirling , where Carver might , or then again might not , have been living , in the 1940s ) — seems freely based on a plainsong of the Sarum rite derived from Chapter 37 of the Book of Genesis : ‘ Jacob … rent his garments . …
13 The Grand Old Duke of York did lead his men ; Dick Whittington was a 15th century Lord Mayor of London ; Ring-A-Ring-O'-Roses is said to relate to an outbreak of plague in London in the 17th century ; and Bluebeard is based on a psychopathic French murderer of the 15th century .
14 Serious attempts to gauge the likelihood of an outbreak of Frownie-wearing in London 's health clubs have been greeted only by hoots of laughter .
15 In 1871 there was an outbreak of smallpox in Bedfordshire , as elsewhere .
16 An outbreak of strife in Northumbria would suit Harold very well , I imagine , especially if Siward got himself killed in the course of it .
17 The government was seriously alarmed by an outbreak of unrest in April in the western Autonomous Region of Xinjiang Uygur .
18 Public discontent with the government 's economic policies [ see p. 38363 ] reportedly provoked an outbreak of arson at Tehran 's main bazaar and 15 others across the country in late July and August .
19 This fact is an indictment of Bank of Ireland , an indictment of the Court of Bank of Ireland , and an indictment of the Banking industry in Ireland .
20 Operational controls : over communications and command and control centres ( an ingredient of success in Poland in 1980–81 ) ; over fuel and munitions stocks ( run down before the invasions of Hungary and Czechoslovakia ) .
21 I look upon it as an act of spite by Durham County Council ‘ You stopped our inner ring road scheme .
22 In another , linked , case , a Belfast man was charged with allowing a house to be used to commit an act of terrorism on May 17 .
23 Mr Ramaphosa said that the prisoners ' release should not be construed as an act of goodwill by Mr de Klerk , but as a reflection of the ‘ dismal ’ failure of ‘ the apartheid regime ’ to emasculate the will of the black majority .
24 The House of Industry was established by an Act of Parliament of George III , 1794 , ‘ … for the better regulation and employment of the poor in the town of Bedford ’ .
25 It brought the spectators to their feet in an act of remembrance for Beryl who did so much and gave so much to the Society .
26 The naming from the dock of John Cameron ( alias Sergeant Mor ) , a vindictive Jacobite soldier of fortune , can not be written off as an act of desperation by James Stewart , who was promptly marked out as accessory once the actual murder occurred in Appin .
27 An Act of Terror by André Brink ( Secker , £14.99 ) .
28 When Jordana informed Ambassador Hayes in November 1942 that an Allied landing in French North Africa would be considered an act of aggression against Spain , he was undoubtedly expressing Franco 's , not his own , view .
29 However , our relationship with God is comprised of our own personal devotional life , both prayer and Bible meditation , our willingness to live life in an attitude of communion with God and certainly in obedience to him and his priorities .
30 an Inn of Chancery in Chancery Lane , west London .
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