Example sentences of "an [noun] [adv] [verb] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But when I got home , I spent an hour simply looking out of the window of my home at the campus , and speculating on its future .
2 But I often find myself being far less nervous than the artists I 'm supporting , because I 'm so used to gigging ; I 've been doing a steady diet of around four gigs a week to support myself for many years , whereas they make an album then go out on tour every two years . ’
3 In February 1973 an eruption suddenly burst out on the tiny island of Heimaey , and for a time it seemed as though the town of Heimaey , Iceland 's biggest fishing port , would be destroyed .
4 Tradition , as they say , really does die hard , with yet another example of an event almost dying out before being revived and continuing with renewed vigour .
5 An argument apparently broke out during these talks , and fierce fighting ensued in which Doe was shot and wounded and a total of 64 men , mostly from Doe 's contingent , were believed to have been killed .
6 Lennis had stressed the emptiness of his life in having a daughter who had little to do with him , an account apparently borne out by the daughter herself in her interview with the banker .
7 It is worth noting that although , during the Survey , untrained personnel were expected to assess the condition of books — an activity usually carried out by experts — considerable efforts were made to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the records which they maintained .
8 In the Sixth Army an order seldom went out without the full support of Crown Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria ; why , then , was the influence upon policy by the heir to the throne of all Germany not still greater ?
9 So I think there 's an element still to come out in , in that area , er but if you look at er , er the er issue generally , there 's a lot in the White Paper on er more than I expected actually , on energy efficiency , which I think is one of the keys to getting down er levels of carbon dioxide , and there is discussion about some of the many many ways in which the role of the motor car will affect er how we reduce our C O two .
10 Professor Ashworth , Salford University vice-chancellor , said repayments of loans , worth up to £460 a year , should be made through the Inland Revenue — an option consistently ruled out by ministers and officials .
11 Lenin was very conscious of Marx 's warning that each war contains within it the seeds of a fresh war , an observation amply born out by the conflicts between France and Prussia-Germany in Marx 's lifetime and in Lenin 's time by the First World War .
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