Example sentences of "an [noun] [prep] [noun prp] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 In the interval much had happened to Marx and he was by then an exile in London in a place and a situation where inevitably he was more remote from the centres of political action .
2 Neame 's replacement on Hello-Goodbye was Romanian-born director Jean Negulesco , an exile in America with a string of films behind him , including the Marilyn Monroe picture How To Marry a Millionaire .
3 ‘ You wrote an article about Eliot in a feminist magazine I picked up in Blackwell 's .
4 Mr Fitzpatrick , from Melton Mowbray , Leics , was found dead in an alley in Washington with a single gunshot wound to the chest .
5 It is as if Ted Hughes were himself the patient , suffering maybe from impotence or castration fears , and was here attempting an autotherapy with Shakespeare as a dummy .
6 This prospect was seen as likely to destabilize the Alliance , because Arab members might well have had difficulty in explaining to their constituencies what amounted to an alliance with Israel against a fellow Arab state , Iraq .
7 The latest proposals followed an offer in May of a ceasefire between government forces and the mujaheddin [ see p. 38194 ] .
8 It became an argument about Europe as a whole .
9 I did not intend to do an exhibition on Picasso as a political figure ’ says Heiner Bastian , ‘ but the choice of ‘ Guernica ’ , painted after the German Condor legion 's bombing of the town , as our departure point has in fact turned out to have particular relevance in Germany today ’ .
10 Two Israeli settlers from the West Bank were killed and five wounded on Oct. 28 during an attack near Ariel on a bus carrying them to a demonstration against trading land for peace at the Middle East peace conference .
11 The canton of Glarus lies between this mountain barrier in the south and , in the north , the Walensee ( lake ) and the Linth Canal which in the short northern plain links Walensee with the eastern extension of Lake Zurich which is known as the Obersee , ( ie , Upper Lake ) The canal also drains former marshland between these two lakes Glarus , though one of the smallest cantons , is often described as an epitomy of Switzerland as a whole in that it has three geographical sectors : a vast area of mountain country , a moderate stretch of rolling upland plateau capable of settlement what the Swiss call Mittel-land ( literally , middle-land ) and a small area of real lowland .
12 The history of North Tyneside CDP and what it did can be found in the final reports of the project itself ( North Tyneside CDP , 1977 , 1978 a , b and c ) and an account of CDP as a national exercise is given in Loney ( 1983 ) .
13 4.1.1 The Lead Organization has represented and acted on behalf of the Parties in making an application to IEATP for a Government Grant and shall represent and act on behalf of the parties in the acceptance of such Grant on terms acceptable to all of the Parties hereto including the completion of the project to the satisfaction of IEATP .
14 Er Mr Potter this morning very fairly said to this erm t to the panel that if you do his need assessment which i if you got to the the exercise and stretch every parameter to its very limits , be as generous as you can on every possible criterion , you can get to an allocation for Selby of a hundred and twenty two hectares .
15 Thus , the fragmented structure of The Green House , which changes in form , style , time , place and protagonists every few pages , conveys an image of Peru as a disunited nation , divided by geography , levels of development , culture , race and class , and of the world as a chaotic labyrinth in which disoriented individuals struggle in vain to find some coherence .
16 An image of God as a person like ourselves — for instance an old man on a cloud , or for that matter a young man from Nazareth — can , therefore , be deeply misleading .
17 Without a means of preserving the difference between divine and human personality , we are liable to end up with an idea of God as a favourite uncle !
18 That there was an uproar in Cornwall as a result there is no doubt .
19 Speeches in Britain led in 1902 to an invitation to America on a speaking tour under the auspices of Daniel De Leon 's Socialist Labour Party .
20 But it was unlucky 13 when he took off from an airfield in Yorkshire in a Halifax bomber .
21 But it was unlucky 13 when he took off from an airfield in Yorkshire in a Halifax bomber .
22 He gave her an estate at Alva as a dowry and probably accompanied it with a large sum of money .
23 The attacks were viewed as attempts to sabotage an agreement with Japan for a loan of US$403,000,000 to support the balance of payments and guarantee Peru 's re-entry to the international financial community .
24 so I do n't think she 'll get an acceptance to York on a B and two Cs I think York is one of the better
25 Three best-selling writers are backing an appeal by Oxfam for a million second-hand books .
26 ‘ I have always been an admirer of Dalglish as a player and a manager .
27 Presumably Blunden took an interest in Leapor as a result of his research into John Clare .
28 There was an interesting comment in the Guardian this morning , suggesting that Leslie Silver is only professing an interest in Gazza as a kind of public relations exercise , to try to convince us that he is still ambitious for the club after the Batty business .
29 At the College there is an engraving of Coleman as a younger man , probably under 40 , which is reproduced on the magnificent certificates of the London Veterinary Medical Society .
30 The European Court said the situation in Northern Ireland justified an exemption for Britain from a requirement under the Human Rights Convention to bring suspects ‘ promptly ’ to court .
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