Example sentences of "an [noun] [prep] [art] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 Half an hour after the finish the stewards disqualified the Schlesser/Baldi Mercedes on the grounds that it had been given a tenth of a litre more than its 246-litre fuel allowance .
2 The numbers of Indians at stations did indeed become an index of the distance the American traveller had journeyed westwards .
3 Where in an action for a debt the particulars of claim can conveniently be incorporated in the form of request for a summons ( N 202 ) this may be done if the proper officer allows ( Ord 6 , r 1(2) ) ; otherwise , a copy of the particulars of claim is to be filed for each defendant ( Ord 6 , r 1(4) ) .
4 The changes were viewed as an attempt to the heal the bitter rift between the politically dominant Tutsi and the more numerous Hutu population , which in 1988 had led to 5,000 civilians being killed in ethnic violence [ see pp. 36328-29 ; 37056-57 ] .
5 An indication of the expectations the Act has aroused among fund managers can be gauged from the fact that , just over a year ago , merchant bankers Kleinwort Benson decided to bring together previously dispersed skills and set up a specialised division , headed by Rupert Marlow , to look after their charities fund management .
6 HP envisages an on-site upgrade path that requires only a processor swap going , for example , from a 40 to a 50 and a chassis upgrade going from , an F to a G. The F class which HP has poised against Sun reportedly starts at 36 tpsA ; the next performance point is 61 tpcA , available as an F or H , then 88 TPS , followed by 110 tpsA topping out at 184 tpsA .
7 The evidence already cited on the worsening position of the poorest in the unemployment stakes suggests that these assumptions will lead to an underestimate of the difficulties the poor have in finding work .
8 The CVR , besides contributing to the fund of knowledge about the flight , has provided the investigators with an insight into the way the flight crew were thinking and interpreting the indications of the progress of the flight by means of the things they said to each other , and sometimes the things they did not say .
9 An insight into the way the official terrain is constructed can be gained by noting the exclusion of other categories , which might have yielded different ‘ problems ’ : ‘ Muslims ’ , ‘ Jews ’ , ‘ Catholics ’ , ‘ Protestants ’ , etc .
10 THERE was an article in The Times the other day which said that good spelling did not necessarily make for good writing .
11 There was even an article in the paper the next day by Gormlessby saying ‘ I should have booted it .
12 Sometimes bad things hung on so it was possible to remember an outing as the day the car broke down rather than the day there was a barbecue on the beach and the party went on until the tide came in .
13 I 've got an appointment in the hospital the second week of March and she said go down and have a blood test about three weeks before at least three weeks before .
14 Although the " offices " might be peripatetic , going outside Rome with the pope , and although the pope might still play a dominant personal part , only a total reversal of policy — an annihilation of the authority the papacy had set itself to achieve during the previous 150 years — could have stemmed the march towards authority and central administrative offices .
15 Sometimes if there was an illness in the house the sick person would join in the prayers through the open doors but when the silence was not broken he nodded to Mona and she took up Rose 's Decade .
16 The officers had grounds to suspect each appellant of having committed an offence by the time the first of the sales in which he was involved was transacted .
17 Evans suggested that if the complete picture showed an attack on a city the houses depicted may have been part of an outer defence wall in which no ground-floor doors or windows would have been possible .
18 other than the holder of a seamen 's canteen , refreshment or entertainment licence.In the case of an application by a licence-holder the occasional licence allows the sale of liquor " in the course of catering for an event taking place outwith the licensed premises " ( subs .
19 In the event , the formula was never put to the test , but it provides an idea of the way the Palace would expect to pass the buck .
20 The mixed media trio did not prove successful but during that period of David 's life he found work as an extra on the film The Virgin Soldiers and appeared in a pilot television commercial for Lyons Maid , advertising their new ice-cream .
21 As a general rule , whatever we may like to think , the less wealth generated by an animal as an individual the less attention is paid to its welfare , such as Merino sheep in Australia and Angora goats in South Africa existing only to produce wool ; the individual battery hen in Britain , too , has very little cash value , and therefore very little attention is paid to her welfare .
22 As part of our continuing review of quality systems , we are completing an evaluation of the way the new system has worked in the first year .
23 This is an approximation to the time the facility will run .
24 It provides us with an appeal to a constituency the Tories have been allowed to monopolise .
25 On an appeal by the plaintiff the Court of Appeal held ( dismissing the appeal ) that in so far as the rules of the club provided that two of its officers were to be responsible in law for the conduct of the club then ( in the absence of an express provision that the officers were responsible for the condition of the club premises ) the rules did not give rise to a duty of care towards individual members to maintain the club premises in a reasonable state of safety and repair .
26 You should try to form an impression of the person the adjectives describe .
27 I felt curious as I said the words in an office to a man the other side of a desk with white flowers and greenery in a vase .
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