Example sentences of "an [noun] [prep] [adj] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 Having talked for an hour about wild animals the teacher posed a question to one of her class .
2 ( 2 ) In an action for malicious falsehood the plaintiff has to prove malice as part of his cause of action ; this is not so in the case of defamation. ( 3 ) Damage is not presumed in the case of malicious falsehood as it is in libel .
3 In an interview with French radio the following day he said that " we must not forget that this government has a lifespan which may be limited by the national sovereign conference " [ see below ] .
4 And apart from the peculiarities of the relationship with the German Democratic Republic , the structural problems of the West German State are in the main those common to most ( and less acute than in many ) advanced capitalist industrial societies of the present : problems of social equality and distribution of wealth , and of maintaining in an era of world-wide recession the economic growth so central to the legitimacy of post-war liberal democracies ; problems of the exploitation ( and often ruination ) of limited natural resources in the interests of the economy ; problems of national defence in a nuclear age ; and the corresponding problems of containing and absorbing often justified social and political protest without destroying civil liberties and undermining the very essence of the liberal democratic state .
5 And to lead the horse we need to go somewhere ; perhaps around the house , across the lawn , over the concrete path , under the clothesline with flapping socks , past the dogs , and in to an environment of strange things the horse has not seen before .
6 To take from an island in blue ocean the six monsters —
7 If ever there was an example of counterproductive intelligence the CIA is it .
8 The situation is now so serious that an area of tropical rainforest the size of 6 football pitches is destroyed every minute of the day .
9 Within an area of special control the general rule is that no advertisement may be displayed ; such advertisements as are given express consent are considered as exceptions to this general rule .
10 By building up an army of individual shareholders the Conservatives may well have expected to gain political support .
11 Later the daffodils would muster , blazing like an army of yellow heads the length of the bank and right up to the steps leading to the old house .
12 Because of the recent declarations of independence by the majority of republics there were fears that without an agreement on economic union the economy would collapse .
13 For students who wish to combine the study of Sociology with an interest in other subjects the department offers a sizeable array of joint degrees .
14 Aunt Lilian was aware — more than Aunt Kit was aware , anyway — of what might be thought a young girl 's natural pre-occupations , and it was she who took me to buy clothes and lipsticks , asking the sales girls ' advice with a gentle humility that touches me now , because she was not humble by nature and thought an interest in personal adornment the mark of a trivial mind .
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