Example sentences of "an [noun] [prep] [adv] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 While special programmes for older viewers undoubtedly offer information and support , television companies may use them as an excuse for not including realistic portrayals of older people in their mainstream peak-time programmes .
2 In 1977 , J. Ekstrand demonstrated that when a healthy adult male weighing 60 kg swallowed 10 milligrams of fluoride , the levels of ionic fluoride in his blood peaked after about an hour to just over 0–4 ppm per kg of body weight ( European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology , vol 12 , p 311 ) .
3 The boundaries shown are intended to represent broad zones with an uncertainty of up to 10 km or so , and the whole map invites testing by further data .
4 An independent trader is an organisation of up to ten shops .
5 He wished there was someone else he could trust , someone else to form an alliance with instead of this comic figure of a Russian policeman .
6 The marriages of the late 1950s and early 1960s have produced an average of up to 2.4 babies .
7 Commenting on the expectations for growth , Mr Lamont said the first report of the Panel of Independent Forecasters , formed to demonstrate that the Government decisions were not based on one single forecast , predicted growth in 1993 of between 0.25 and 2 per cent , with an average of just over 1 per cent .
8 All in all , he had been departmentally punished on twenty-seven occasions , an average of once for each year he had spent in the force .
9 No attempt was made , therefore , to calculate the delivery times of individual items from the Annexe , since it is known that delivery times range from an minimum of just over three-quarters of an hour , for requests submitted immediately before the majority of the van 's departures from the Main Building , to a maximum of around sixty-six hours , for requests submitted immediately after the van 's final departure on Fridays ( and longer at holiday periods ) .
10 The marshes on the lower reaches of the Tigris and Euphrates cover an area of up to 17,000 square kilometres and provide a refuge for Shia opponents of Saddam 's regime .
11 Such cruelty inflicted on domestic animals has been an offence at least since 1911 .
12 Lt Col Campbell-Preston has provided an account of how on 28 May his regiment , the 80th Scottish Horse Medium Regt RA , was near Riccione , south of Rimini .
13 ‘ Four weeks ago , Marseille agreed on an allocation of up to 4,000 tickets for our supporters , ’ said Rangers ' statement .
14 ‘ Four weeks ago , Marseille agreed on an allocation of up to 4,000 tickets …
15 An improvement of up to 13.1 ( SE 2.6 ) dB was shown per cm size of adenoids removed .
16 An increase of up to 20 per cent in the number of science teachers would be required to provide the extra lessons recommended for 11–18 year olds .
17 The London Emergency Bed Service , which monitors the availability of hospital beds , yesterday recorded an increase of up to 50 per cent in demand .
18 The general secretary of the Scottish Trades Union Congress even proposed an increase of up to 50 per cent .
19 Okay work out an allowance of up to five marks for spelling and punctuation .
20 This would become dual carriageway with an embankment of up to twenty-nine feet … something environmentalists are keen to prevent .
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