Example sentences of "n't [vb infin] [art] [noun] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 So er that paint did n't cover the skirting board very well .
2 It was a coup d'etat. ’ -Margaret Thatcher ‘ As for the leaders of the former Alliance parties , I will say no more than this : they have never learned what every woman knows — that you ca n't make a souffle rise twice . ’
3 It 's a wonder they do n't make a car port here you know ?
4 I ca n't make the East Mainland very well .
5 ‘ I did n't make the dinner date either , I was due to play golf in Houston that week . ’
6 ‘ We do n't want a holiday camp here . ’
7 I do n't want a plastic thing there
8 Yeah but I would n't want a kids party round there with all that ooh bloody going on .
9 Efforts to find a suitable site for the Vintage & Rotary Wing Collection , with workshops in Stoke-on-Trent , have been going on for quite a while , but the reaction has always been negative — we even had the comment that ‘ We do n't want an aircraft scrapyard here ! ’
10 And I said really , it 's cheaper to have er a full you know , I mean you would n't want an evening meal obviously
11 Do n't insulate the loft floor underneath
12 As one IBMer said : ‘ You ca n't build a $60billion corporation out of selling $400 networking cards . ’
13 The first time we went on strike in 1976 to obtain a collective contract , the North American manager said to the strike committee : " You do n't need a trade union here — this is a factory full of women ! "
14 I do n't know the phone number else I 'd er
15 I did n't know the east coast well , and having to live in London at least gave me a chance to explore its fascinating creeks and swatchways , and those turbulent , shallow waters of the North Sea that have nurtured some of the finest of English seamen .
16 Mrs Oliver also said that since receiving her machine as a birthday present last year , she has become totally ‘ hooked ’ , is already producing garments for the family and ca n't think why she did n't buy a machine years ago .
17 you , you ca n't carry , oh where 's the think that goes on the back ? , oh there , there we are , you ca n't carry the milk pet back because we ca n't put your foot rest up high like we can with the front one , so there 's nothing to balance it on , and if you drop it , the big plastic bottle will burst open , wo n't it ? put this rain hood
18 ‘ John Major has been consistently talking about the need to keep wages down so we did n't expect a pay award twice the level of inflation . ’
19 He cried for put him on the bed , could n't do no college work so I just went to bed and left him .
20 I was only seventeen and the girl would say , ‘ I ca n't do the ice creams today , it 's my time of month . ’
21 I found I could n't do the tarot readings anymore .
22 Hill later told the stewards that he would n't use an apprentice rider again although Norton won on Atlantic Way last week .
23 But do n't work the poet business so hard .
24 " I ca n't remember the telephone number here yet ; Slater 's got it .
25 ‘ You told me the other day that you could n't remember the farewell party very clearly , ’ she began .
26 Ah , ah , ah but , ah but you ca n't let me see , you do n't , you do n't remember the war years when I used to be in town while she was out .
27 Since he did n't like the golf course either he was in no real frame of mind to ‘ spreadeagle the field ’ , as a well-known golf pundit invariably and irritatingly puts it on television .
28 they 'll make a erm they wo n't make a su , a surplus , I do n't like the word profit so I 'll say surplus out of this er little gathering here tonight .
29 Erm , if members do n't like the word consumer then I think they would have to use public , er it does cover , I I think the title County Public Protection Officer would er , er satisfy Mr and I do n't think it would upset the Chief Fire Officer .
30 I did n't like the locust beans though .
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