Example sentences of "n't [vb infin] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But we did n't want to go in with a heavy commitment at first ; we took a PC and wrote our own very simple software to deal with incoming orders . ’
2 I could have returned to Ipswich but I did n't want to go back like a beggar .
3 ‘ Thank you , but I do n't want to go out for a meal tonight . ’
4 ‘ Now , I sat up in bed last night reading papers because I did n't want to turn up at a meeting unprepared .
5 You have to know how to keep ahead of this game if you do n't want to wind up in a wooden trenchcoat .
6 I leave my heating on during the night because I do n't want to get up in a cold flat but people I know try to save their money by living in the cold . ’
7 I do n't want to come out of a theatre feeling disturbed and offended . ’
8 It is an essential part of the composition and , as George put it : ‘ You do n't want to end up with a cushion that resembles a lump of putty . ’
9 If those trainers did n't want to end up in a splash they 'd better get out of the way before I …
10 And apparently Jason Horfitz then said he would n't be passing on the information he had to anybody else as he did n't want to end up in a ditch . ’
11 Even a policeman would n't dare poke about without a search warrant — and you 're not a policeman .
12 She hoped that he would n't suggest coming up for a coffee ; she did n't think she could rise to a social occasion at this particular moment , so she was thankful to accept her car keys , bid him a hurried , ‘ Safe journey , ’ and close the door again .
13 Do n't try to give up at a time when you are already stressed .
14 That bias towards comfort has meant compromises as far as sporting handling is concerned ; so you do n't have to put up with a jittery ride over poorly made up roads .
15 So now you do n't have to put up with a two-star performance from ordinary mercury-free batteries , when there is now a new four star alternative .
16 The way the ground just curled up at the edges until you lost sight of it , we could n't have crept up on a hunk of soya . ’
17 He also points out that the expedition led by himself and Clark had assembled ‘ the best people , worldwide , and the top people ca n't afford to stand around for a couple of years waiting for research to happen ’ .
18 He also points out that the expedition led by himself and Clark had assembled ‘ the best people , worldwide , and the top people ca n't afford to stand around for a couple of years waiting for research to happen ’ .
19 I get a lot of help and I 'm very grateful but somehow it does n't seem to add up to a great deal .
20 We 'd like to release Family as a joint effort with them , if we do n't get signed up to a record company first ! ’
21 Wo n't get picked up as a suspected drunk-driver , he 'll look like a rep getting an early start . ’
22 He 'd accept anything that did n't involve stumbling about in a greasy morass of railway tracks .
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