Example sentences of "n't [verb] [pers pn] [verb] [pron] a " in BNC.

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1 I do n't want him to give me a job , but will he give me one thousand pounds out of money that 's really mine ? ’
2 And she did n't want to be at odds with him , did n't want him to think her a cheat — only what were the odds on him ever believing otherwise ?
3 I do n't want them to brand me a bully-boy because I 'm a National Socialist , to discredit me through their media .
4 ‘ I do n't want you to do me a favour . ’
5 I do n't want you to give me a lift .
6 And I certainly do n't want you giving her a bath .
7 ‘ I do n't think I know what a bastide is . ’
8 When he did n't answer she shot him a fierce look .
9 Do n't keep they give you a photocopy
10 I do n't believe you know what a knobstick is . ’
11 Some of them smelt of oil or grease of a kind she did n't recognize I gave her a few samples from the labs without telling her what they were and she picked out gun oil as being the nearest .
12 They may well love the new baby , but that does n't stop them giving it a tweak when your back is turned .
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