Example sentences of "we might [adv] [vb infin] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 we might even clear a little bit more than ten but
2 Erm , when I drew attention to this , one of the first things I did when I got elected to this council , erm , we get papers back which seem to suggest that in fact the Home Office are funding it at a level which , dare I say suggests that we might even make a small profit , er and I have in fact recently been approached by colleagues from Gloucestershire , asking us how we manage in that er , er exercise , because they 're concerned about the high cost of er , protection for certain royal establishments in their county .
3 We might even get a decent day 's work out of ‘ em . ’
4 Sid Watkins is a good bloke , who knows , we might even get a better deal with the fish . ’
5 To this list we might also add a sixth , media movement which is seen in the rise of the ‘ television church ’ through congregational sponsored televised services in the USA ( Olson 1979:133–142 ) .
6 If we do this , we might also cast a jaundiced eye at the view that serious criminals are ‘ pathological ’ .
7 Once in a while , maybe on the first night of a stint somewhere , and we 've got the time , we might just do a brief check of some songs .
8 Six months ago six major E C Health and Safety Directives came into effect covering workplace safety , machinery , protective equipment , manual handling , work with computers and word processors , they 've built on a framework directive giving workers new rights to consultation and the right to stop the job and the union has been watching the government and the H S E and me as well , in their attempts to water down the requirements of these directives and we might well lodge a formal complaint with Brussels that could land the Tories in Europe 's Court of Justice .
9 We might , if i if it 's a nice day we might possibly have a little walk out somewhere or run out somewhere , or something
10 As the Minority Report put it : ‘ The national Authority dealing with the able-bodied requires … what we might almost term a Human Sorting House , where each man 's faculties would be tested to see what could be made of him ; and a series of Training Establishments , to one or other of which the heterogeneous residuum of Unemployed would be assigned . ’
11 We might therefore expect a commemorative poem in his honour to contain melancholy , death , and a churchyard , but the whole mood of Wordsworth 's poem is different from , say , Gray 's Elegy , a stanza of which was inscribed on Taylor 's tomb .
12 We might indeed propose a general principle : high valency items are to be taught so that high frequency items can be more effectively learned .
13 How distressed and worried is industry in those regions that we might mistakenly have a Labour Government , which would do so much damage to inward investment ?
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