Example sentences of "we can not [verb] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 We can not expect that the experience and experiments of other people in other places occupied with other problems will produce answers off the peg which will fit our particular requirements .
2 We can not assume that a divergent phonological system , for example , is structurally similar to or derivative from RP , or that lexical items belong to the same phonemic sets , or that the tense/aspect system is structured in the same way as that of standard English .
3 Thus if we have a whole W , made up of parts X and Y then we can not assume that the value of W is the value of X added to the value of Y , for W may be an organic unity .
4 If we are to understand the significance of subject specialization , then we must take the choices made by women seriously : we can not assume that the student who chooses physical science is somehow ‘ right ’ while the student who chooses the humanities is somehow ‘ wrong ’ .
5 In other words , in this case , we can not assume that the position in 1974 represented inter-generational equity .
6 They all require us to make sense of the realist thought that it is always possible that , unknown to us , the world differs radically from the way it appears to us , and argue from this that we can not know that the world really is the way it appears to us .
7 Hence , although we can not say that every material ought to have the same strength , we can say that , very approximately , all materials ought to have the same elastic breaking strain .
8 In the first place , we can not say that the coins recovered from a site , whether by excavation or otherwise , represent a cross-section of coins in use on that site , even though it is generally true that coins are dropped in proportion to the amount of times they are handled or passed from hand to hand .
9 Even now , almost a decade into the project , we can not say that the monster does or does not exist .
10 Therefore , we can not say that the environment elsewhere does not concern us .
11 By applying the Pareto condition , we can not say that the oil discovery improves actual economic welfare .
12 The Labour party says that we can not argue that a single person should pay less than a family next door with several working adults .
13 A senior researcher at the Meteorological Office said in January 1991 that " we can not prove that the rise was caused by the greenhouse effect , but it is likely " .
14 David Parker , a senior researcher at the Met Office , said : " We can not prove that the rise was caused by the greenhouse effect , but it is likely . "
15 While every effort is made in our processes , we can not guarantee that every line will be manufacturing on a particular day .
16 ‘ Whatever future conclusion we may reach as to this , we can not deny that an object once attended to will remain in the memory , whilst one inattentively allowed to pass will leave no traces behind . ’
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