Example sentences of "we can [verb] [be] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 We have excellent food — almost twice as much as we can eat is offered us at every meal — and we have well heated rooms , which is indeed a blessing , when you compare the virtual absence of heating at the Peking Languages Institute where we work .
2 What they do n't seem to realise is that we do n't keep spares in the office , so all we can do is send them on to Ablex anyway , so you 'll have longer to wait .
3 Yeah , you might just do that , as I say all we can do is tell you what is possible , okay , there are going to be in
4 ‘ All we can do is hope he 'll be safe .
5 The least we can do is dress you for effect .
6 ‘ Then I suppose all we can do is to take her one of our Christmas puddings and some holly and things , ’ said Christine sadly .
7 She wants to escape from home , and the least we can do is to let her stay here for a while .
8 What we can do is choose our friends and only listen to those whose opinion we totally respect .
9 For example , we can not see or touch a computer program running in a computer , all we can do is experience its effects through a peripheral device such as a monitor or a printer .
10 The best we can do is raise our own children differently ( a project that will fail , ironically , to the extent that children model themselves on the unreconstructed adults they encounter ! )
11 O K so look let me just go through these notices er for today 's tutorial period , one or two changes erm again a thought for the week from the chaplain to begin with , during the approaching season of Lent , the best thing we can do is to centre our thoughts on what Jesus Christ did for us through his passion , death and resurrection .
12 There 's one thing we can do is take one from t' other .
13 All we can do is to follow our inner guidance , realize we are a part of the Earth , and we will know .
14 The other thing we can do is to retrace our steps leading to eqn ( 2.22 ) .
15 The only thing we can do is to send our spies to watch Leeds United and Stuttgart .
16 ‘ Then all we can do is keep our eyes open for the next couple of days , and you see that your doors are locked and bolted at night . ’
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