Example sentences of "we can [adv] [verb] [pron] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know , I mean we can either take him up
2 We do not choose the best alternative but the one we can best do something about .
3 Or maybe we can simply cut them off from one another until they surrender . ’
4 S so you do n't get involved or anything , this is , we can just sign it off .
5 It 's almost exactly the same … we get everything we need for the notes written on the board so we can just copy it down … so it 's just the same as school , except the homework — when you do those problem sheets , they do n't bother to mark it .
6 keep the bills down there and then we can just write it on there
7 Er er but then we 'll have more sessions booked in , we can just slot you in to one of those I should think .
8 and we can just poddle him along to everything we do , just , I mean it 's , you know we can do things in the garden , we can do things round the house we do n't have to lay out anything special do we ?
9 ‘ If I take them off carefully , and you do n't like it without , we can always put them back … ’
10 Find a little hotel somewhere , see the early autumn colours , go to a market and buy lots of strings of garlic which will start going mouldy before we can possibly use them up .
11 The number 10 40 may be very large but we can still write it down , and we can still use it in calculations .
12 I mean , she coped nicely because , providing we maintain a breeding stock of horses , cows and sheep , we can perhaps help you out a little bit more on that if you could erm , help us some more on the timber .
13 Now what we 'll do is , we can actually get it down to .
14 But we can certainly hold them up . ’
15 Once we have ruled out the secular notion that authority implies superiority , we can then get it back into perspective as simply a necessary tool in executing responsibility .
16 The flexibility and cheapness of overdraft borrowing is possible because it is an ‘ on demand ’ facility , and we can therefore call it in at any time .
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