Example sentences of "we have [vb pp] for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But the intricacies , I know more about Europe , eventually , and other countries , due to not being having a a briefing by a Headmaster for half an hour of something The group of us , he had eight to ten of us in the room trying to prime us on what we 'd missed for a year .
2 We 'd finished for the day , so I tied the rudder and then came up forward . ’
3 We were told not to do this , told not to come here , told to sledge and throw snowballs and make snowmen all we wanted , but not even to come near the loch and the river , in case we fell through the ice ; and yet Andy came here after we 'd sledged for a while on the slope near the farm , walked down here through the woods despite my protests , and then when we got here to the river bank I said well , as long as we only looked , but then Andy just whooped and jumped down onto the boulder-lumped white slope of shore and sprinted out across the pure flat snow towards the far bank .
4 As you know I 've er been holding a number of er small meetings with staff er and one of the questions I 've been asking is whether or not there has been a need for the building presentation that we 've done for a couple of years er and generally there was the view expressed that yes it was desirable but perhaps in a different format .
5 Approaching the crags we 've seen for a couple of days .
6 Perhaps a little more expensive , but we 've opted for a powerhead run undergravel — which will ensure adequate throughput of water through the gravel , and offers many similar features to the internal power filter , in terms of flow and aeration .
7 Hello there … welcome to Australia for a Central South sporting special … where we 've come for a race of the future … the Solar Challenge … sun powered cars racing through the wild outback … that 's our Friday Feature … first it 's back to Britain … for our football parade
8 Mills was amoral and untrustworthy , but we 've known for a while now that he definitely worked for us . ’
9 We 've tried for a donor … ’
10 We 've acted for the club for a long time and have always had a good relationship with them .
11 that we 've had for a while .
12 Unless there were special factors involved and although I can not recall a situation where we 've paid for a person to go into that 's for members to discuss , not me , but we have certainly paid an enhanced rate where somebody wanted to go to live near their daughter who was in and we felt that was a legitimate reason for paying a higher rate and , and , and we did do so , so there are other types of flexibility .
13 Alice said , " We 've paid for the gas boiler , for a lot of cable , for tools , for wood , for glass . "
14 And we 've allowed for the fact that cooking for a family or organising a dinner party may take you away from the cooker when you want the food to go on cooking .
15 Mr Walker , who had vowed he would have to be evicted with the family , said : ‘ We had hoped for a stay of execution to allow the family to depart with dignity , but the Scottish Office handled the request in the same way as they have handled the whole affair — with massive insensitivity .
16 I think it still is the way forward and I do n't think it was so much that things went wrong as that they did n't go as well as we had hoped for the women elections to the shadow cabinet .
17 At the outset of the plans , we had prayed for a sign of divine approval .
18 We had stopped for the night . ’
19 If we had played for the whole 90 minutes as we did for the first hour we would have beaten Rangers . ’
20 Their quotation was £12 for two pages , we had asked for a quote based on four , and although the letter promised a price and font list it was not enclosed .
21 We sang Christmas carols in the parlour , recited poems , acted out skits and handed out the Christmas presents we had brought for the people .
22 We have sent for a doctor .
23 We have trained for a month since the end of our home season , ’ explained Mark Catchpole , son of Aussie legend Ken .
24 We have applied for the use of a pitch at the Welsh College of Horticulture in Northop but , meanwhile , if anyone else has any ideas I would be grateful if they would contact me . ’
25 Although we have argued for the view that law is differentiated rather than monolithic , we have to stress that there do exist common factors and interrelations , both within specific arenas and within the legal system as a whole , that have to be considered .
26 That is , if observation provides us with a secure set of observation statements as our starting-point ( an assumption that we have granted for the sake of the argument of this chapter ) , why is it that inductive reasoning leads to reliable and perhaps even true scientific knowledge ?
27 The majority of opinion reports from the SD and other agencies of the regime reaching the Nazi leadership point nevertheless towards conclusions about the impact on morale similar to those we have witnessed for the Schweinfurt area .
28 We have called for an inquiry by Speaker Betty Boothroyd .
29 Under this scheme we have arranged for a firm of Solicitors to deal with the remortgage legal work for just £175 ( excluding Land Registry fee ) .
30 They began their paper with the words : ‘ We have cared for a patient who , according to the textbooks , ought to have been dead , since his arterial p H was 6.59 , well outside the usually stated range of 6.8 to 7.8 ’ .
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