Example sentences of "she would not be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She lived in Half Moon Crescent ( he had checked the number and the street before he 'd started out on his trek , so that even if Slater had lost or forgotten her number , she would not be lost to him ) .
2 Though she was being forced to work for Vass , at least she could be thankful that she would not be called upon to endure the misery of working alongside him !
3 She would not be taken for a fool , either , not when it mattered so much as this .
4 The first time she discovered the awful mess he had deliberately left in the kitchen , Beth was determined she would not be used as a skivvy .
5 He was a superbly male animal , he was used to beguiling women with his dark sorcery , but she would not be counted among them .
6 Her one , clear thought was that , whatever he said , she would not be convinced by him .
7 The advantage was Italy 's ; unless France was involved , she would not be pulled into a conflict with Russia ; she obtained a special declaration that the treaty was not directed against England ; finally , the association proved that Italy was a great power .
8 She would not be reduced to skulking in the back room of her own shop .
9 Her younger brother was sent by Teresa later in the day to say she would not be returning to a house where a dangerous lunatic lived and no one could expect her to — she would rather forfeit that week 's wages than wait long enough to give notice .
10 There was no noise , no radio , no light , but he could not imagine she would not be waiting for him .
11 Here at least she would not be hounded by her other creditors .
12 He did not volunteer any further suggestions but took her to one of the few French restaurants he knew in Soho , where hopefully she would not be reminded of the man she loved .
13 She would not be held by a man ever again .
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