Example sentences of "she would have [vb pp] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They skirted the edge of the open space , keeping to the borders of woodland which had once been landscaped , and Melanie was grateful , for she would have felt too visible , too exposed out on the sea of grass — a sitting target for some marksman , for the arrow of any figure in Lincoln green who might be flitting among the mossy trunks .
2 She would have felt more able to respond if only he 'd exploded in a burst of anger .
3 The implications of the contact she honestly had not considered ; she would have done as much for any who came by night .
4 If she had , she would have turned straight round and come back , but she did n't , she kept on walking .
5 Her barrister says she would have made just two thousand pounds … hardly enough to hire a hitman .
6 I always had the feeling that if I had n't , she would have sat there all night .
7 ‘ I 'd have thought being such an efficient secretary she would have worked somewhere more — ’ he stopped .
8 If she had n't kept busy all the time she would have thought too much about James , and about Maggie .
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