Example sentences of "she would [verb] [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Without a murmur she would do as he bid .
2 Eva , who was more used to giving than receiving orders , determined she would do as he said .
3 Kate knew she would do as he suggested .
4 As she got into her car , she pushed away the worrying question of what she would do if she found evidence that implicated Veronica in the murder of Hugh Puddephat .
5 His voice was pure seduction , drawing her deeper and deeper into the spell of passion , and she shook her head with a desperation born of fear — fear not of him but of what she would do if he continued this heady , drugging assault on her senses .
6 As they began to climb the stairs , arms still wrapped around each other , Ronni asked herself for the hundredth time what she would do if he did .
7 What she would do if he tried to take her to bed .
8 She 'd be very antagonistic when I was putting the jesses on , so the first thing she would do when I picked her up was pull at her feet and try to work herself loose .
9 She thought that the first thing she would do when she earned some money would be to buy a house or a caravan like they had in Turpin 's Field , so that whatever happened they could all be together , safe for ever and ever .
10 A fantasy , but a lovely one , and one that she would miss when she went back home .
11 Several of his perfumes seemed promising and in the end she took away samples in three small bottles and promised that she would return when she had tried them out .
12 I imagined you let her go away with Steve because you … you thought she would finally get him out of her system , and you did say that you were certain she would return as you had something precious that Steve had n't got .
13 Fernando had said he was confident she would return because he had something precious that Steve had n't : was it a serious bank balance ?
14 Mrs Singh said she would go if I came too but not otherwise .
15 Dorothea remembered little more , though sometimes she would pretend that she did .
16 He did not answer but just before she heard his bedroom door close she would swear that she heard a small chortle of laughter — as if her dry afterthought of a good morning had amused him .
17 If she ever bothered to read the so-called ‘ forged ’ New Testament then she would realise that it states very clearly that Christ was a direct descendant of the Jewish King David .
18 But at this thought rage grasped her and shook her with red-hot hands , so that her eyes went dark and she found herself walking fast up the road , and then along another , and another , walking as though she would explode if she stopped .
19 She would scream if anyone came near her left arm , and she cried at night , begging for painkillers .
20 Susan wondered how she would feel if he did ; or if she touched him or let him know in some other way that she was there ?
21 She wondered how she would feel when she saw him again .
22 ‘ I said I wondered how she would feel when she knows her own sister is having a relationship with the man who left her …
23 As for that other one , which was how he now alluded to the daughter he had always doted on , she was in her room and there she would stay until she saw sense .
24 Dalgliesh wondered what she would reply if he had said : ‘ I knew your son .
25 Maybe she would think that he wanted them .
26 Her last thought before she fell asleep was the reaction she would get if they knew that she had been out with a policeman .
27 Not sure of the reception she would get if she spoke to the other girl , not sure what her mother or Feargal might have told her , she was about to duck back into her room when Terry turned .
28 He said she would have if I had n't pull her fucking hand brake up .
29 We should ring her on our return and she would see whether she felt able to perform .
30 And when the all clear sounded , even though the realization that she had survived yet another night sent relief singing through her , there was the agony of wondering what she would find when she returned to Lyra Street .
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