Example sentences of "she had [vb pp] [pron] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Luke 's arms came round her as if she had summoned him by saying his name , and she could n't continue .
2 Save for the nuts and honey which Tom had given her she had eaten nothing since leaving the cabin of Simon the Trapper .
3 His cool irony brought swift colour to her cheeks as she recalled how furiously she had condemned him for doing just that .
4 She had rebuked him for drinking a bit too much beforehand .
5 Or she could say that Derek had always had charming manners and was in the habit of commending ladies on their scent , even if it smelled of Alexandrian sewers , and sound as though she had lost something worth keeping — and inevitably regretful .
6 She meant that , once she had talked him into releasing her from this crazy engagement , she would be free to take up her own life once more .
7 Meanwhile Millie 's mistress , frustrated at being parted from the family she had devoted herself to rearing and longing for the freedom to travel and relax , stayed loyal to her husband 's ambitions .
8 The bell for Compline rang , the time she had set herself for hounding him out at the wicket , into a world he was , perhaps , already beginning to regret surrendering , but which he might have found none too hospitable to a runaway Benedictine novice .
9 She complained bitterly about her husband being so confused and his always forgetting what she had told him without having any insight into her own ability to confuse him and other people .
10 Twice Ferdinando had come down to spend the night with her and twice she had refused him without offering any adequate reason .
11 ‘ When she arrived at his flat one night and told him that she had left me after admitting everything , he was furious .
12 She had driven herself into doing what would hurt most ; she had decided to take Constanza from her father .
13 She had taken it for granted that if Isobel accompanied Hank to the ball , it would be a kind of aunt and nephew relationship , but now she wondered .
14 Maybe she had accused him of doing appalling things with Badger .
15 And to think that once she had accused him of having a shard of ice in his heart — some wound from previous love affairs that prevented him from ever revealing his real feelings to any woman .
16 She had accused him of leading her on .
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