Example sentences of "she had [verb] [adv prt] in the " in BNC.

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1 But she was gone , she had run down in the thick tree shadows to a side street , was down that and in the busy main street within sixty seconds after she had thrown the stone .
2 She had stood out in the crowd even amongst the beautiful beach children of San Francisco .
3 A teacher , again in a Southall primary school , told of an ‘ amusing ’ incident when an Indian girl of ten was reduced to tears when she had to go out in the sun in the summer term .
4 She had to stand up in the midst of a certain amount of pomp and ceremony and address a large audience , which included her own family , her husband , the Prime Minister , the Lord Mayor and a host of City dignitaries , many of them accomplished public speakers themselves .
5 So , thought Meredith grimly when she had arrived back in the kitchen of Rose Cottage , do we rush on madly to our doom .
6 The object in question was Franca 's divan bed , the one she had slept on in the upstairs spare room when she had been looking after Patrick .
7 This was not the moment to tell Ingrid to strain less in her upper registers , or to remind Luiza to allow plenty of time when she had to walk on in the ball scene .
8 Last time she had slipped out in the dark like this was on the night the Doyles had come , the night that had ended with a mystery and a death .
9 Since a few ladies who had been at the tea would also be at the committee meeting , and , anyway , Boyd had messed up her best black afternoon dress , she wore now a pretty gown in green wool which she had picked up in the last sale at Eaton 's .
10 And then she had lain down in the dark , naked but for her flimsy shawl , the window open to let in the night , and waited .
11 She had curled up in the deep old window seat , the velvet coverlet from the bed wrapped about her for warmth , and had drifted in and out of an uneasy sleep .
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