Example sentences of "she was [verb] back [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Her gaze distant , as though she was looking back into the past , she continued , ‘ It would n't have been easy , staying here , but I dare say we would have managed .
2 She was pressed back against the seat as Fergus accelerated again .
3 She was referred back to the medical clinic after a few months with the same clinical findings .
4 As for Mary Alice , she was flown back to the USA in June 1945 , some 11 months after her original crew .
5 As I understood it she was flying back to the States tomorrow . ’
6 It was hardly a stately progress , but as she made her triumphant way back the seas of people around her grew and grew , so that she was accompanied back into the parade ring by a whooping mob , pushing and shoving to get to her , all carried along on a tide of exultation .
7 Somewhere below , only a few minutes away but in another world completely , she was running back to the house , Simon in hot pursuit .
8 She was going back to the knacker 's .
9 Emily left me , mouthing as she went out of the door that she was going back to the office .
10 Then , head bent , she was hurrying back to the villa , suddenly knowing in her heart what had to be done .
11 The woman had left the bags and O saw she was walking back to the child , he heard her heels , but O did not stay to see what she did to the child ( and so he did not see her pick the child up in her arms and hold him tight ) ; he turned quickly , and left the station as fast as he could .
12 It was n't until she was put back on a different oral antibiotic — these work directly on the inflamed cells in the spots — that she started to notice a change .
13 With Dara once more clinging firmly and rather painfully to her arm she was walked back to the small , intimate table they had been sharing on the edge of the small dance-floor , but Ace was quickly on to his feet , side-stepping Dara 's attempt to greet him with a kiss .
14 Then she was driven back to the squat , where she spent all afternoon putting up her curtains where none had been , or replacing curtains for which she had no feeling .
15 One morning as she was rushing back to the changing rooms one of the models slipped and twisted her ankle .
16 Several months ago she was enticed back to the Lion in partnership with Mr Ashworth .
17 She was brought back to the moment by Louise .
18 Under hypnosis she was taken back to the first day of her stay in hospital — the day before the operation itself .
19 She was taken back into the house and made to fill a bath and to get into it .
20 Now she was sunk back in the same state , or perilously near to it .
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