Example sentences of "she turn [prep] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If these fail and she suspects disease she now incorporates the age-old universal remedies such as massage , heat , cooling , gripe water , aspirin , distraction , and , if those do not succeed , she turns in the West to the doctor .
2 Molly 's special subject was the Ketterings ; but when she turned to the reproduction of ‘ The Flagellation ’ the book was empty , the list gone .
3 She turned to the rest of the nomes .
4 In those hard times she turned to the god in the village where she lived , and that god stood by her .
5 She turned to the end of the document and saw a signature S. KETTERING over the address of the villa , LA FELICITÀ , MONDANO-IN-CHIANTI , SIENA , ITALY .
6 Then , of course , she turned to the task of getting from Posi all available data about the planet Ardakke .
7 After that , she turned to the task for which she had come .
8 ‘ The doctor will be here soon , and I 'm sure — ’ She turned as the door behind her opened , and the curly-haired doctor she 'd seen briefly in the dining-room came softly towards the bed .
9 I think she turned into the snake outside my door that morning .
10 The shunt happened as she turned into the drive of Ludgrove School , at Wokingham , Berks .
11 The silence and emptiness of the scene did not become apparent to her until she turned into the drive of the house and realized there were no other cars parked there , no gaily clad groups tripping towards the garden , no jazz band to summon them nor hired flunkeys to greet them , no pop of champagne corks nor buzz of conversation , no bunting , no balloons , no merriment of any kind .
12 She turned into the drive of the Red House , and brought the car to a halt close to the front door .
13 Of course they would , she thought bracingly , and , feeling more cheerful suddenly , she turned into the driveway of her apartment block — and saw a Jaguar parked where no Jaguar was normally parked !
14 She turned on the charm to all she met and grinned at cameramen , seeming to know instinctively when the best pictures were being taken .
15 She heard his low , troubled call , ‘ Clare ’ , as she turned at the top of the stairs .
16 She turned at the sound of footsteps , expecting to see Martin , and was surprised when James Morris strode unannounced into her living-room .
17 She turned in the doorway with a dazzling smile .
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