Example sentences of "she would [adv] [adv] [vb infin] it " in BNC.

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1 Pistol in hand , she paused just long enough for the others to catch up , and handed the goggles to Benny , deciding she 'd probably better play it safe and not risk letting any of the inhabitants of 1915 get an idea of how they worked .
2 She 'd most likely think it was because he did n't want to help her .
3 If there was a boat to rock , she 'd bloody well rock it .
4 If she strode out she would just about do it ; her office was only across the road and down the side-street .
5 Though that was n't entirely true , for Maud would , and she would probably even bring it off .
6 Well , this was the greatest challenge of her life and she would damn well face it if it killed her .
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