Example sentences of "she would [verb] [vb pp] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She 'd have liked a nice cup of milky tea .
2 Idly I wonder if she 'd have done the same thing had the play been Shakespearean : ‘ Now is the winter of our discontent … but leaving aside discontent for the moment I want you all to put your hands together for good old birthday boy Barry in Box B. All together now , Happy Birthday to you … ’
3 ‘ If 'e 'd been any bigger , she 'd have had a bad time . ’
4 In fact , if it had n't been an important point of principle not to let the damn impertinent man get away with his nauseating behaviour , she 'd have let the whole thing drop .
5 At any other time she would have recognised the bitter note of personal experience in his voice , but all she wanted at that moment was to flee before her worst fears were realised .
6 It was because she knew that before the month was out she would have said a permanent goodbye to him that she was greedy to spend as much time with him as she could now .
7 A woman present asked if Elizabeth were my sister , and at one time I wished she had been — but better not , for she would have lost an adored and incalculable mother and gained a dreadfully unhappy home ; and it would be a pity if we had shared the same literary material .
8 But it was hypocritical sarcasm because she knew she would have done the same as him .
9 Almost immediately , Juliet realised that she would have done the same , if she 'd felt desperate .
10 It was exactly what she would have imagined an ex-racing driver to choose , but when he set off she was surprised at how carefully he drove .
11 She would have made a good wife for a T'ang , let alone a man like Sung .
12 She thought she would have made a better job of it , not believing a word , just because she was a good teacher .
13 Coffin thought she would have made a marvellous soldier .
14 If she went , she would have made an irreversible decision .
15 She would have made an excellent Madame .
16 If Mrs Thatcher had been on the programme she would have blown the whole idea of fairness out of the water .
17 For two pins there and then she would have summoned the two black-jacketed men who stood sentry on the door every evening , ready to eject any troublemakers .
18 If Isabel had had the energy she would have wiped the solicitous smile off his face .
19 She would have experienced the undoubted lift in spirits that results from physical exercise .
20 She would have preferred a romantic candlelit dinner for two , but even more , she wanted Josh to see David as one of life 's pluses and not as an interloper .
21 She would have had no such hopes in the old days , when Bill took pleasure in flouting normal expectations , seemed driven to flare up , to " create " as Mrs Orton might put it .
22 If Peggy herself had had one tenth of such devotion from her father she would have had a happier time as a child .
23 More prestigious universities , showing a surer touch than the Royal Society of Chemistry , had refused to get involved with Elena , but the Romanian Embassy pointed out that she would have taken the Central London Poly for a much grander institution than it really was .
24 Normally she would have found the tall blond rock star attractive , even if only in a detached , academic sort of way .
25 Not that she would have allowed a little thing like lack of transport to get in her way — in her current mood she would have hired a private helicopter if necessary to get her to her destination .
26 Not that she would have allowed a little thing like lack of transport to get in her way — in her current mood she would have hired a private helicopter if necessary to get her to her destination .
27 She would have thought the better of him for it as well , Lugh knew he could be sure of that .
28 Knowing Esther , she would have executed the whole devious scheme with the utmost care .
29 Had she been wise she would have bought the matching coffee cups .
30 ‘ Yes , she knew , but she wanted things hushed up , so when Mam said she was marrying Henry she did n't protest over much , because Mam was in such a state then she would have brought the whole thing to light .
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