Example sentences of "she have been [verb] on the " in BNC.

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1 She 's the sort of filly who deserves a big race win for she has been knocking on the door all season .
2 She 's the sort of filly who deserves a big race win for she has been knocking on the door all season .
3 They knew she 'd been drinking on the way in .
4 If she 'd been staying on the boat for any length of time it would have been necessary to find somewhere to go for a shower or a bath , but it did n't look as if that particular problem would arise .
5 A post-mortem examination at the time showed she 'd been hit on the head with a blunt instrument .
6 She 'd been sitting on the edge of the bed when they 'd arrived , two large uniformed men .
7 She 'd been found on the floor beside her pushchair in the office of a local playgroup .
8 She 'd been found on the floor beside her pushchair in the office of a local playgroup .
9 The Nefertari was a veteran , it was said , of something between 30 and 40 years on the river ; someone thought she had been built on the hull of a much older Nile steamer , and another that she might be a pharaoh 's reconstituted sun-boat , disinterred , like the others , near the Great Pyramid .
10 She had been , it seemed , to endless dinners , parties and weddings on her own , she had been spotted at local cinemas with friends , sitting in the stalls alongside ordinary members of the public , and she had been seen on the town , at pop concerts , and in restaurants , with handsome young men .
11 Nor was this surprising , for she had been born on the shortest day of the year , which is the sun 's birthday also .
12 She had been struck on the back of the head and strangled , said Mr Wakerley .
13 Constance had lost Ludo — something she had been dreading on the journey up from Florence — but she was not alarmed .
14 She had been sleeping on the same step for three nights .
15 She had been perched on the seat of a tractor with the gulls flowing behind her in a slip-stream .
16 She had been standing on the pavement , holding some silly banner — ‘ EDUCATION CUTS ARE NOT COMIC ’ , or something like that — talking and laughing excitedly with a big-bosomed woman stuffed into a scarlet ski-suit and pink moon boots , and he remembered thinking to himself : so it 's finally happened — designer industrial action .
17 She had been standing on the bank above him with her booted feet apart , her hands jammed into the pockets of her tight-fitting breeches , and for a fleeting instant he looked at her appraisingly as he had done at the reception .
18 She had been sitting on the shingle staring out to sea , her arms clasped round her knees , Timmy lying asleep on the small rug beside her .
19 She had been sitting on the edge of the bed , and now she leaned forward to take the other woman 's hand again .
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