Example sentences of "she have [vb pp] [adv] from the " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Brown , 35 , has since made a full recovery but was unable to attend the ceremony because she has moved away from the area .
2 Margery 's conversation with her husband when she has come home from the Exhibition
3 She 'd seen enough from the taxi to tell that every house , cottage , shop and inn was simply full of character , each different but still in the traditional Cotswold style she was beginning to recognise .
4 What she 'd known instinctively from the start was absolutely right .
5 She had turned away from the food-processing factories and chemical plants spewing bilious yellow smoke to gaze towards the east , to the mouth of the Estuary where the river ran out into the North Sea .
6 In this damp clay I had left footprints , and over these footprints I now found the splayed-out pug marks of the tigress where she had jumped down from the rocks and followed me , until the kakar had seen her and given its alarm-call , whereon the tigress had left the track and entered the bushes where I had seen the movement .
7 Then she brought him her account book , which she had kept faithfully from the first day of opening her house , and showed him the state of things .
8 She had heard already from the girls how Luke had tried to get Maggie to go to England to learn nursing against Moran 's fierce opposition , how their older brother and Moran had fought , and when Maggie yielded to Moran and stayed , Luke had gone on his own without telling his father .
9 She had heard enough from the Julians to recognise in the disrepair something of the troubles of the Dersinghams .
10 She had stepped away from the armchair to stand by the coffee-table in the centre of the room .
11 She had gone on from the Noble Order of Lady Queen Bees ' meeting to a party given by one of the members , and was by now tired , cross and a little tipsy .
12 She had gone home from the Forest Supermarket to find the house on fire .
13 It hardly seemed fair to keep them in the cage she had made out of an old claret case she had dragged up from the cellar .
14 The fire by which we sat , Mrs Browning in front , I to one side , consisted mainly of a branch of beech which she had brought in from the woods : the thick end was in the fireplace , surrounded by burning twigs cosseted into flame by Mrs Browning , who puffed upon them with a pair of leather bellows when they faltered , and the other end , in shape and size rather like the antlers of a deer , reached out into the room .
15 Natasha sighed audibly and said nothing for so long Charlotte thought she had walked away from the telephone .
16 She held up the notes she had copied down from the drums in the German docks .
17 As the days meandered into each other she found herself spending all her free time painting , even though she had known almost from the start that painting him was not going to exorcise him .
18 She glanced in the long mirror and , apparently satisfied , opened an oak chest and took out a drab fustian cloak of the type customarily worn by maidservants of the lower order , the which she had borrowed earlier from the servants ' quarters on a pretext .
19 Sam 's mind quickly returned to the last time he had seen Clare , when she had returned early from the beach to find Sam in their bed , and not alone .
20 By a coincidence the letter had been waiting for her on her dressing-table when she had got in from the pictures the previous night , just after she had been thinking and talking of Hilda .
21 He thought it a great feat that she had got in from the Point in an hour and a quarter .
22 She had come over from the east with her Arab mother , who , once in Britain , had married a stranger in order to stay — rather like buying a spare part to save one 's life .
23 Reproaching herself for not having unlocked it when she had come in from the main door , she rose quickly and went to open up .
24 Holding the red Conway Stewart pen she had picked up from the grass , she went over the scene again and again .
25 The fragment of the Quimper dish she had picked up from the dustpan on the kitchen floor that day when she and Thérèse had seen , when she saw , when the lady had shown herself for the second time .
26 The fact that Marc had registered her exact words seemed to say that they meant something — that he had n't simply dismissed what she had yelled out from the shower , but that he had remembered and , as it seemed now , had brooded over them for some time .
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