Example sentences of "she have [verb] up with [art] " in BNC.

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1 I actually have at the back which I will show in a minute , a costume that was worn by a woman in the eighteen-forties , and it shows how she has kept up with the fashion ; it is a fairly fashionable dress , but it is adapted for real life , for day to day life , for for the life of an ordinary middle class woman who had perhaps one or two servants , but had to do the running of the household herself .
2 Like someone drowning , Sarah saw her past life in detail ; the filthy room in which she 'd grown up with no privacy and no sanitation , the painful joints on Ma 's fingers from too much sewing , Paddy 's brawls , and the incessant noise and smell of Turnmill Street .
3 It seemed rather typical of her luck that she had ended up with the wrong sort of cat , and she could n't help wondering if Miss Hardbroom had made sure that the misfit kitten had been given to Mildred , rather than someone like Ethel .
4 Lucy was already regretting her impulsive words , but , knowing she had to come up with an answer , she said in a matter-of-fact tone , ‘ Silas has already assured me that women will no longer play a part in his life .
5 In fact , she sounded particularly cheerful ; it was the first morning she had woken up with no trace of sickness , and was cheered at the thought of entering the ‘ blooming ’ phase of pregnancy .
6 And , although she had come up with the idea of a visit to Oxford very much on the spur of the moment , it was n't a bad one .
7 At the end of a few minutes , he had agreed to get Landau , and she had come up with the names of banks and accounts for both Foster and Landau , and the place where he could lay hands on Pete Foster .
8 So she 's come up with a way of trying to protect animals in Gloucestershire , Worcestershire and Herefordshire .
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