Example sentences of "she have [verb] [noun prp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Perdita remembered Sukey being just as deferential to Grace Alderton three years ago , the first time she 'd seen Ricky in the flesh .
2 She 'd left Laura to the medical portion of their task .
3 She had loved Connor from the day she set eyes on him ; and he loved her too , though as long as she was his brother 's wife , he would never admit it .
4 Later , after she had visited Joy for the last time and he had filled her arms with fruit , as he had on every visit , she made her way to the cemetery .
5 Perhaps he was n't without blame , but had n't she made the same kind of mistake when she had endowed Marcus with the qualities she 'd wanted him to possess ?
6 Well , she supposed that figured ; after all , she had seen Luke with the children at the sailing club , again revealing that other side of his nature which did n't extend to her …
7 Nanny left once she had pushed Artemis into the room .
8 ‘ Well , you 're going to the bottom , you disgusting old bag , ’ screamed Perdita , and the next moment she had butted Enid in the small of a very large back right into the swimming-pool .
9 She had believed Jack at the start when he had told her that she was the pillar , the guardian , the deep essential truth of his life , the indestructible centre point .
10 She was thinking back , to just over an hour ago , when she had met Simon on the sea front .
11 Sorry as she might feel for her now , she had contacted Veronica with the aim of finding out more about her husband 's killer .
12 She had reached London at the height of the rush .
13 After all , she had signed Sting in the first place ( she had even given him a list of music-business lawyers to consult at the time , but he had used the Newcastle lawyer because he was cheaper ) .
14 It would have been better , Lissa thought unhappily , if she had avoided Lynx from the very beginning .
15 Over the nut burgers , she had put Iris in the picture concerning her encounter with Eddie , the visit to Angy 's flat and her subsequent trip to Cheltenham .
16 Ms Gibson said she had left Gemma in the care of a friend she named as Neha .
17 She had thrown Luke to the ground , herself on top of him , and when the yelling and the thudding and the terrible , high-pitched howling of collective terror had been over , when the cavalry had charged through the crowd like a scythe through a cornfield and silence such a silence had fallen , she had opened her eyes and seen blood everywhere , in her hair and her hands , all over the stupefied , half-suffocated child .
18 In the afternoon she had to trust Ruth on the way home .
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